Arthritis Expert Panel II 2024-2025
- Background information on the work towards making the business case for arthritis appropriate evidence-based interventions
- Link to information about the Public Health Framework for Collaborative Arthritis Management and Wellbeing
- Description of the the pilot/HUB/PHC
- Expert Panel Bios
- Pre-read
- To prepare for the discussion about reimbursement and hub financing, please review this article that was co-written by Kristie Kulinski:
- Project implementation pdf which includes clinic workflow and a data flow diagrams. These diagrams will be helpful for discussions about the practical application of the framework to date.
- Agenda
- Recording link
- Summary
September 13th email – After careful consideration and consultation with our evaluation team, site partners, and internal team, we’ve determined that we currently do not have sufficient material to warrant a productive meeting or agenda. We are actively working on finalizing some PHC processes. As such, we do not have any data runs or reports ready to share with the panel at this time but will have plenty to share during our December 5th meeting. Please reach out to with questions. Thank you!
Thursday, December 5th 9:00 AM to 10:00 AM ET
Friday, March 14th 10:00 AM – 11:00 AM ET
- Agenda (coming soon!)
- Summary
- Recording link
Wednesday, June 18th 10:00 AM – 11:00 AM ET
- Agenda
- Summary
- Recording link
Tuesday, September 16th 9:00 AM – 10:00 AM ET
- Agenda
- Summary
- Recording link
Wednesday, December 3rd 11:00 AM – 12:00 PM ET
- Agenda
- Summary
- Recording link
Arthritis Advisory Panel and Design Team
2022-2023 Meetings
Participant Bios – an Excel file listing all participants, a brief bio and photo
Blog Post that describes the work of the Expert Panel
Final Project Document “NACDD Convenes Arthritis Expert Panel and Design Team to Co-Create a Public Health Framework for Collaborative Arthritis Management and Wellbeing“
NACDD Impact Brief link to Framework announcement
- Exercise is Medicine Greenville® (EIMG®) Program Report
- Design and implementation of a clinic-to-community, physical activity health promotion model for healthcare providers
- Exercise Is Medicine® Health Care Providers’ Action Guide
- Arthritis Appropriate Evidence-Based Interventions (AAEBI) List
- Physical Activity AAEBI Cross Sectional Table
- WWE Video (Storybook from YMCA NY Alliance)
- Self-Management AAEBI Cross Section Table
- Physical Activity AAEBI Cross Sectional Table
- American College of Rheumatology (ACR) Clinical Practice Guidelines for Osteoarthritis
- Article in Health Promotion Practice “Developing a Primary Care–Focused Intervention to Engage Patients With Osteoarthritis in Physical Activity: A Stakeholder Engagement Qualitative Study”
- “Key Considerations and Barriers to Creating an Evidenced-Informed Approach for Screening, Counseling, and Referral to Arthritis Appropriate Evidence-Based Interventions: A Landscape Assessment” (Leavitt Partners Report)
This report is based on an environmental scan of the literature and 12 interviews with key stakeholders (e.g., health care provider leads, payers, National Provider Organizations) and three listening panels with National Partners, State Organizations, and State Health Department leads. Additional validation and viewpoints should and will be considered for the “arthritis care model design.”
- “Key Considerations and Barriers to Creating an Evidenced-Informed Approach for Screening, Counseling, and Referral to Arthritis Appropriate Evidence-Based Interventions: A Landscape Assessment” (Leavitt Partners Report)
- Agenda
- Slides
- Recording link
- Summary document
- Human-centered design (HCD) is a problem-solving technique that builds empathy and creativity to put people at the center. HCD uses a variety of methods–including focus groups, interviews, stakeholder maps, and photo-journals–and revolves around creating an optimistic, empathetic environment to address problems creatively. Here is a link to a short TEDx Talk to give you an idea of how HCD works in practice.
Our 3 sessions will address a key opportunity to integrating physical activity into screening, counseling, and referral for patients with arthritis: reimaging the way all stakeholders are involved in the process. To prepare, Advisory Panel members will receive pre-session emails roughly 2 weeks in advance with preparation materials to review, including key details from the environmental report and a preview of session content. Advisory Panel members should come to the sessions with an open mindset, ready to reimagine, examine, ideate, explore, and empathize.
Other helpful links about HCD, in case you’re curious:
– Harvard Business School Online
– - Preview the Context Canvas that provides the background we need to hit the ground running. While reviewing, consider the following:
- What components of this vision stand out to you?
- Does it reflect our shared vision for this initiative?
- Do the boundaries we’ve drawn make sense for this project?
- We are developing a framework that starts here, but we want to keep our output adaptable and flexible. What should we keep in mind that will help our current focus scale to other areas?
- Preview personas that represent typical patients with OA to help guide our discussion.
- Review the sections from the Environmental Report on different stakeholders that could be involved in this process and come ready to think outside the box. We have included those sections as excerpts.
- Human-centered design (HCD) is a problem-solving technique that builds empathy and creativity to put people at the center. HCD uses a variety of methods–including focus groups, interviews, stakeholder maps, and photo-journals–and revolves around creating an optimistic, empathetic environment to address problems creatively. Here is a link to a short TEDx Talk to give you an idea of how HCD works in practice.
- Agenda
- Recording link for main room group discussion
- UPDATED Context Canvas per feedback from Expert Panel
- Summary document
- Review the updated Context Canvas that was discussed on the first human-centered design call
- Review the Compiled List of Key Barriers and Challenges in the Year 1 Environmental Report on the various pain points of an individual’s journey through the screening, counselling, and referral process identified in the assessment
- Preview the Journey Maps that describe each personas unique path to receiving care.
- Agenda
- Slides
- Recording link for main room discussion
- Summary document
- Arthritis Project Inputs & Outputs – slide that describes how HCD sessions will inform an evidence-informed arthritis care model
- Preview the top Opportunity Areas that describe ideas that surfaced during call 2 and as outlined below and in the agenda, which we’ll further explore in call 3:
- How might we unify screening methods to standardize time of collection and method of capture, and screening components that support care team decisions in term of how to coordinate and interact with the patient?
- How might we identify reimbursement opportunities for non-clinical partners who are asked to implement components of the screening, counseling, and referral process?
- How might we integrate arthritis screening questions into the PCP appointment prior to visit creating a wrap-around approach where screening is done before the PCP visit (e.g., integration of questions through EMR/pt portal)?
- How might we identify and eliminate health inequities in the screening, counseling, and referral process for self-management behaviors?
- How might care teams provide active counseling for patients with arthritis according to their specific diagnosis? ((e.g., motivational interviewing, action planning, five A’s)
- How might we engage and empower care team members to best utilize educational resources (apps, handouts, web links) to increase physical activity?
- How might we intentionally connect PCPs with outside non-traditional care team members (e.g. CHWs, health coaches, health advocates), CBOs, and other partners to alleviate time crunches?
- How might we streamline referrals to AAEBIs based on resources available within the community?
- How might we create opportunities for community organizations to support proactive follow-up to help people navigate to services following an appointment with their PCP?
- Agenda
- Slides
- Recording link
- Summary document
- Agenda
- The first design session will focus on screening arthritis patients for quality of life
- Slides
- Recording link
- Summary document
- Pre-work
- Review May 23, 2023, summary document
- Please send any learnings and resources by June 9th for incorporation into the next design session. We have created this short form to collect your reflections in a structured manner for review on June 13th. Power of 1 Exercise – Reflection Form
Power of 1 Exercise – Please use one of the tools in the resource library or another evidence-based brief/ counseling/coaching tool for the following exercise:- Practicing Providers and CBOs-Test 1 tool with 1 person with arthritis by the next meeting
- What worked for you or care team member? What could be improved?
- Any feedback on the tool from the person with arthritis on how they think it may support their self-management journey ?
- Others may do the above the exercise with a family member/friend with arthritis OR
- Watch 1 video in the Resource Library and provide feedback on how you think it may support the arthritis care model design
- Practicing Providers and CBOs-Test 1 tool with 1 person with arthritis by the next meeting
- Please share any other brief advice/counseling tools for consideration in the arthritis care model change package with
- Clinical Guidelines – Please share in preparation for the next meeting.
- What clinical guidelines do you rely on for accurate diagnosis that we may share with primary care providers/specialty as apart of the arthritis care model references & tools?
- Are there clinical guidelines/care pathways from your institution that may be reviewed by design team for components to consider?
- Agenda
- Slides
- Recording link
- Summary document
- Pre-read – please review the June 13 Summary Document
- Agenda
- Slides
- Recording link
- Summary document
- Pre-read
- Slides from the “Healthy People 2030 Spotlight on Health Webinar: Best Practices in Pain Care.” In addition to an overview of the HP2030 Chronic Pain Topic Area, the webinar provides information on best practices in pain management and the new HSPCS codes (G3002 and G3003) for chronic pain management and treatment.
- Agenda
- Slides
- Recording link
- Summary document
- Pre-reads
- Health Affairs article “Improving Health And Well-Being Through Community Care Hubs“
- Agenda
- Slides
- Recording link
- Summary document