Pacific Chronic Disease Council

Non-Communicable Disease Collaborative Diabetes Education Resources

The NACDD Non-Communicable Disease (NCD) Collaborative has produced a variety diabetes self-management education resources to support people with diabetes in the Pacific Islands communities.

Self-management support is key to improving NCD care within Pacific Island communities and healthcare systems. This support must be accessible, evidence-based, and tailored to inform individuals and their families. ā€œNavigating the Course (NTC) of Diabetes self-careā€ is a culturally relevant and evidence-based educational resource. NTC contains many topics in diabetes self-care, prevention and management aimed at increasing the skills and knowledge of people with diabetes and their families, such as:

  • Basic information about diabetes
  • How medications can help with diabetes
  • Coping successfully with diabetes
  • Making good food choices
  • Being active
  • Living well with diabetes
  • Proper self-examination of feet
  • Approaches to lower risk factors and promote heart health
  • Preventing long-term complications with diabetes

U.S. Associated Pacific Islands Non-Communicable Disease Collaborative Handbook

NCD Collaborative Handbook

What it is: The NCD Collaborative handbook provides detailed information on the background, models and framework that are the foundation of the NCD Collaborative work. It also describes the essential components of an effective collaborative team.

For whom: Members of the NCD Collaborative teams

How to use: NCD Collaborative teams can use this resource to provide an orientation for new (or existing) Collaborative team members. This will provide all Collaborative teams members with the same foundational knowledge for their work together.

Navigating the Course Guidebook

Navigating the Course Guidebook

What it is: The NTC guidebook was intended to be used as an informational tool by the people with diabetes and their families, as well as an instructional tool for the diabetes care team. It was curated in such a way that there is consistency in the message delivered by the diabetes care team and the basis of knowledge and skills learned by individuals and families.

For whom: People with diabetes, health educators, nutritionists, and any healthcare professionals caring for people with diabetes.

How to use: This can be used as either a resource for those with diabetes for self-guided education or for a healthcare professional to guide discussion on how to prevent and manage diabetes, with individuals or in a group setting.

Navigating the Course Journal

Navigating the Course Journal

What it is: A personal notebook, diary, or log to track self-care goals related to making good food choices, staying active, and getting support from family. It also has tips on proper self-examination of feet, blood sugar targets, and other diabetes self-care reminders.

For whom: People with diabetes

How to use: In the space provided, patients can write down ideas or small action steps towards changing behaviors. Journaling is also a tool that allows the individual to monitor their own progress in diabetes care.

Diabetes Self-Care Goals and Pledge

Diabetes Self-Care Goals and Pledge

What it is: One-page sheet with the common short- and long-term goals in diabetes care. A copy can also be found at the end of every chapter in the NTC guidebook.

For whom: People with diabetes

How to use: Use during clinic visits to assist the person with diabetes in establishing and following up short- and/or long-term goals in diabetes self-care. One copy can be given to a person with diabetes which they can take home with them, and another copy can be kept in the patientā€™s medical record.

Food Choice Prescription Pad

Food Choice Prescription Pad

What it is: Designed like a prescription pad, this has check boxes that encourage small action steps for making healthy food choices.

For whom: Healthcare professionals caring for people with diabetes.

How to use: Use during clinic visits to use this resource to guide discussion on healthy lifestyles when it comes to making good food choices. The check boxes save time during clinic visits and encourage small action steps. Use this pad in conjunction with the Be Active Prescription Pad.

Be Active Prescription Pad

Be Active Prescription Pad

What it is: Designed like a prescription pad, this has check boxes that encourage small action steps for being active.

For whom: Healthcare professionals caring for people with diabetes.

How to use: Use during clinic visits to use this resource to guide discussion on healthy lifestyles when it comes to being active. The check boxes save time during clinic visits and encourage small action steps. Use this pad in conjunction with the Food Choice Prescription Pad.

DM Record Card

DM Record Card

What it is: A small pocket card that can be kept by patients in their wallet or purse to keep up to date information.

For whom: Patients with diabetes

How to use: In the space provided, patients can keep track of their medications, medical exams and screening results and record details from clinic visits. Patients can also write down comments or notes as reminders.

Careers at NACDD

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