Disability Inclusion
The following resources were shared during the Summit by NACDD staff, and BRIC and SPINE states. You can find other resources related to the BRIC and SPINE programs on their resource pages – BRIC Resources and SPINE Resources.
- Slideshow – AARP Network of Age-Friendly States and Communities 8 Domains of Livability The 8 Domains of Livability framework is used by many of the towns, cities, counties, and states enrolled in the AARP Network of Age-Friendly States and Communities to organize and prioritize their work to become more livable for both older residents and people of all ages. The downloadable slideshow on this page provides a brief introduction to the eight domains.
- Administration for Community Living This site has a resource page with information on current and past grant/funding opportunities. Many of the funding opportunities align with the work of BRIC/SPINE states and chronic disease programs, and might provide an opportunity for collaboration or sustainability
- SNAP-Ed Toolkit This toolkit provides information on evidence-based, obesity prevention interventions and evaluation framework and allows for a search of interventions by selected fields. Interventions like the Arthritis Foundation Walk With Ease Program are listed as an approved SNAP-Ed intervention.
- Older Americans Act (OAA) Title III-D program This Act provides funds to State Units on Aging to support healthy lifestyles and promote healthy behaviors through the delivery of evidence-based programs. Partnering with the State Unit on Aging can help expand the reach of programming and sustain current efforts.
- Social Determinants of Health Information Exchange Toolkit The Social Determinants of Health Information Exchange Toolkit can support communities working toward achieving health equity through SDOH information exchange and the use of interoperable, standardized data to represent SDOH. Stakeholders are increasingly planning and implementing information exchange initiatives to better coordinate and address SDOH service delivery challenges.
- Social Determinants of Health Information Exchange Learning Forum The Social Determinants of Health Information Exchange Learning Forum, which brings together health care providers, community-based organizations, government, payers, health information exchange networks, IT platform developers, innovators, and other partners to share lessons learned, promising practices, and challenges related to exchanging SDOH data.
- Community Information Exchange® Toolkit The Community Information Exchange® Toolkit is designed to assist communities interested in learning how to harness the value of cross-sector collaboration and data sharing to develop a Community Information Exchange (CIE) that enables a network of health, human, and social service providers to deliver coordinated, person-centered care to address social determinants of health to improve population health.
- Attaining Coverage Through a Section 1115 Demonstration Waiver Toolkit This is part of the National Diabetes Prevention Program (DPP) Coverage Toolkit. The Medicaid section of the toolkit provides information on the authorities or mechanisms needed to claim state Medicaid funds and federal Medicaid matching funds and provide information on how to implement and operate the National DPP program in Medicaid, with a focus on a Medicaid fee-for-service environment. Information on how to implement and operate the program in a managed care environment can be found in the Medicaid MCOs section.
- Factsheet – Disability Impacts All of Us This factsheet provides an overview of the burden and impact of the various types of disabilities.
- Disability and Health Webpage | CDC This webpage provides an overview of the different types of disabilities with links for disability inclusion.
- Reaching People with Disabilities through Healthy Communities | CDC This webpage will help you learn about how to implement disability inclusive Healthy Communities efforts in your jurisdiction.
- Centering Equity in Collective Impact This article is about how the collective impact approach, which involves cross-sector collaboration to solve social problems, needs to prioritize equity as a core principle. The authors, who are practitioners and experts in collective impact, share their personal and professional journeys and the lessons they learned from applying the approach for a decade. They also propose a revised definition and framework for collective impact that centers equity and community voice.
- Health Equity Benefit & Burden Training Worksheet This worksheet will help you weigh the burden versus the benefit of any health equity policy, practice, service, or project you are considering
- New SDoH Model – Vital Conditions for Health and Well-Being Framework The vital conditions framework provides an actionable organizing structure to build connections and alignment for well-being across federal agencies and sectors.
- Journal Article – Organizing Around Vital Conditions Moves the Social Determinants Agenda into Wider ActionThe article discusses how the vital conditions framework can help address the social determinants of health in a clear, concise, and actionable way. The framework identifies seven factors that people and communities need to thrive, such as belonging, basic needs, and meaningful work. The framework also emphasizes the importance of civic engagement, intergenerational dynamics, and equity in creating a strengths-based and community-driven response.
- Call to Action – National Strategy on Hunger, Nutrition, and Health This document outlines how state health departments can support the National Strategy on Hunger, Nutrition, and Health.
- NACDD’s Learning & Discussion Series – National Strategy on Hunger, Nutrition & Health This page provides past recordings and upcoming events to engage with partners across the country around country and learn how they are supporting the National Strategy on Hunger, Nutrition, and Health.
- States & Partners in Action– This document list what states and organizations are doing around each Pillar of the National Strategy on Hunger, Nutrition, and Health. This information has been gathered through NACDD’s Learning & Discussion series on the topic.
- White House National Strategy on Hunger, Nutrition, and Health: Summary of Federal Government Priorities and Actions This document provides a summary of each of the five Pillars (priority areas) of the National Strategy, including the actions/strategies the federal government intends to take to address each Pillar and the priority group or area each action impacts.
- Pennsylvania Food Policy Council The Pennsylvania Food Policy Council is an example of how interagency coordination and stakeholder groups can promote communication and action to support healthy, equitable, sustainable, and fair food systems.
- SNAP-Ed Toolkit This toolkit provides information on evidence-based, obesity prevention interventions and evaluation framework and allows for a search of interventions by selected fields. Interventions like the Arthritis Foundation Walk With Ease Program are listed as an approved SNAP-Ed intervention
- Journal Article – The Power of Partnerships State Public Health Department Multisector Collaborations in Major Chronic Disease Program Areas in the United States This study investigates collaborations between State Health Departments in the United States and different types of organizations addressing chronic disease in and outside of the health sector.
- Active People Healthy NationSM Strategies to Increase Physical Activity This page shows a graphic of six evidence-based strategies to promote physical activity across different sectors and settings, such as schools, workplaces, parks, and transportation.
- The Community Preventive Services Task Force’s Built Environment Recommendation to Increase Physical Activity This factsheet outlines built environment interventions to increase physical activity create or modify environmental characteristics in a community to make physical activity easier or more accessible.
- National Recreation and Park Association This site has a number of tools and resources available under their Health and Wellness pillar that support physical activity programming along with PSE strategies.
- Arkansas Walking College is a six-month distance-learning fellowship programs for walkable community advocates, sponsored by the Arkansas Department of Health, the Arkansas Coalition for Obesity Prevention, and America Walks. Policy and Legislation.
- NACDD Legislative Tracker This tool can help you keep up with issues, track bills, and follow legislative efforts around the country.
- Chronic Disease Competencies The NACDD Chronic Disease Competencies are a set of observable and measurable knowledge, skills, abilities, and personal attributes that build success for both individuals and teams working in chronic disease prevention and control.
- Online Learning Center NACDD hosts a variety of self-paced virtual courses for chronic disease directors, emerging leaders, and practitioners. Topics include public health leadership development, workplace tools, advocacy, and more. To the right is catalog of courses can be accessed in the NACDD Online Learning Center. Learners will need register or login at learn.chronicdisease.org to access courses. Some of the courses provided include:
- Using the NACDD Legislative Tracker
- Working with Elected Officials
- Using the Chronic Disease Competencies to Build and Sustain a Skilled Team
- Taking Action on Equity
- Leadership Basics: Systems Thinking
- Advancing Health Equity: Moving Upstream
- Advancing Health Equity: Community Engagement Strategies
- Empathetic Leadership Guide This guide outlines the principles of Empathetic Leadership and sample skills to enhance the principles in your organization.
- Leading an Exhausted Workforce This article is about how leaders can support their exhausted workforce in the midst of the pandemic. It offers some practical tips for leaders to foster healthy coping mechanisms, minimize stressors, and help their teams find meaning in their work and life.
- Public Health AmeriCorps Factsheet This factsheet provides more information on how State Health Departments can leverage Public Health AmeriCorps volunteers to sustain and support their work.
- Website – Social Connectedness Resources The BRIC Resources webpage provides a list of the most recent social connectedness resources to support strategies at the state and local level.
- Webinar Recording: How nonprofits can make change with storytelling techniques This 75-minute webinar to learn how nonprofits use storytelling to create movements for change and how you can use the art of storytelling to help your nonprofit make an impact.
- NACDD GEAR Group Resources – Supporting Communities in Building Resilience During Times of Crisis Generate, Educate, Activate, Respond (GEAR) Groups are peer-to-peer, case-based, action learning opportunities for state chronic disease practitioners. They are offered periodically and designed to catalyze planning for longer-term state level action. Participants can expand knowledge of pressing topics, develop leadership skills, and network with other public health professionals at state health departments. This GEAR Group focused on resilience. The document includes numerous references.
- Oklahoma Embraces Work at Health This success story outlines how the Oklahoma Department of Health launched Work@Health in their health department.
- Work at Health Employer Based Worksite Wellness Initiative This factsheet provides an overview of Work@Health which is an evidence-based program that trains employers to develop and implement health promotion strategies to reduce chronic disease and injury risk and improve worker productivity in the workplace.
- Partnering with State Education Agencies to Enhance Children’s Physical and Mental Well-Being Schools are optimal environments for promoting children’s health, with 95% of U.S. children attending schools for roughly 6 hours each day. In school, children not only learn about healthy behaviors, but also practice them through opportunities such as physical education, recess, school meals and relationships with peers and adults. This document outlines how State Health Departments are collaborating with schools