Data Modernization

NACDD is leading efforts to better track and respond to public health challenges and chronic disease disparities through strategic partnerships, capacity building, and workforce development in data modernization. Learn more below. 

Data Modernization Accelerator Initiative

This initiative empowers State Health Departments to enhance their noncommunicable disease surveillance capabilities by engaging NACDD’s data modernization accelerator model.

Key opportunities include action incubators, cohort courses, and workshops and webinars. Each opportunity will build capacity, foster innovation, and promote best practices. Stay informed as these opportunities are announced by completing a short interest form.


The Multi-state EHR-based Network for Disease Surveillance (MENDS) project leverages electronic health record data that are collected in clinical settings. MENDS provides near real-time, chronic disease surveillance estimates to plan and evaluate policies and programs. 

Our resources, that were informed by MENDS, can help you learn how to use clinical data for chronic disease surveillance.

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