Reducing the Burden of Cancer in North Carolina: A Data and Resource Guide

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Submission Date: January 2019

State/Territory Submitted on the Behalf of: North Carolina

States/Territories Involved: North Carolina, Washington

Public Health Issue:

Cancer is the leading cause of death in North Carolina, with more than 21,000 North Carolinians expected to die from cancer in 2018 alone.

Moreover, cancer imposes its burden across North Carolina inequitably along racial, ethnic, geographic, and socioeconomical lines. For example, the mortality rate for breast cancer among African-American women is 47% higher than that of white women, despite having a similar incidence rate.

With 100 individual counties in North Carolina, making decisions on where and how to allocate resources to make the most impact in fighting cancer can be difficult.

Program Action:

The Washington State Department of Health (WSDOH) worked with YMCAs to establish diabetes prevention programs starting in 2009. The initiative for employee coverage for the National Diabetes Prevention Program (National DPP) emerged from the Washington Health Care Authority/PEBB a few years later.

The WSDOH has convened the Diabetes Network Leadership Team since 2004, including representatives from YMCAs, WSU Extension, and PEBB. WSDOH also leveraged CDC funding for YMCAs to get more programs started and trained a diverse network of providers in programs such as those established by Washington State University Extension. Ā PEBB maintains a wellness coordinator (WC) network across state agencies and higher education entities.

WCs in each state agency are responsible for coordinating/scheduling classes as well as promoting and convening an on-site prediabetes screening event which employees can use worktime to attend; employees use their own time, usually lunch time, to attend classes.

A contract between participating health plans and the Diabetes Prevention and Control Alliance (DPCA) which operates as the Third Party Administrator for the program, took about a year to execute & was approved by the Office of the Insurance Commissioner. DPCA ensures that programs (a majority of which are provided by YMCAs) sustain their status as CDC-recognized lifestyle change programs.

WSDOH provided technical assistance for the first onsite screenings and classes that were held on the Department of Health campus to demonstrate operationalization of the program. WSDOH provided input to ensure employee confidentiality. Additional information on the Washington experience is available in a webinar recording here and a 4-state summary document here.


The NC Cancer Burden Document and the NC Cancer Control Plan have equipped partners to take action toward cancer prevention and control. Partners are identifying opportunities to use the documentā€™s data and foundational resources as a blueprint to expand collaborative partnerships, and to guide their efforts with strategies and evidence-based interventions to increase their impact on the burden of cancer.

The document has received national recognition. In 2018, it was listed in the American Library Associationā€™s annual journal in its Notable Governmental Documents section.

The University of North Carolina Lineberger Comprehensive Cancer Center is utilizing the document to help cancer centers across the state complete cancer needs assessments as part of the implementation of their patient navigation model for oncology nurses.

The CPCB currently is evaluating further impact by surveying recipients of the document on usage strategies. The document already is being used by organizations, local health departments, and providers to incorporate county/regional data into community health assessments, develop programs utilizing recommended evidence-based interventions, and to seek grant funding to strengthen prevention, early detection, and treatment services.

Program Areas:

Cancer, Diabetes, Health Equity and Cultural Competency

State Contact Information:

Ryan Ward
NC Cancer and Prevention Control Branch

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