Downtown Accessibility Project in Corvallis, Oregon

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Submission Date: June 2018

State/Territory Submitted on the Behalf of: Oregon

States/Territories Involved: Oregon

Funding Source: CDC

CDC Funding:


CDC Funding (Specified):

Other CDC Funding

Domain Addressed:

Environmental Approaches

Public Health Issue:

A City of Corvallis, Oregon, community assessment highlighted the challenges that people with disabilities face in accessing farmers markets, restaurants, theaters, fitness centers, the waterfront, and many other places of interest where people socialize and shop in Downtown Corvallis. For example, because many people with disabilities rely on personal vehicles or private transportation for trips downtown, one of the challenges is a lack of accessible parking.

It is important for the well-being of people with disabilities that they have equitable access to community assets.

Program Action:

Benton County Health Department staff working on the NACDD-funded Reaching People with Disabilities through Healthy Communities project, collaborated with staff at Corvallis Public Works, civil engineering graduate students at Oregon State University, and community members, to develop a draft concept plan for a re-designed and more accessible Downtown Corvallis.

The draft plan presented to the Corvallis City Council, Council advisory boards, community members, and city staff includes the following ideas for increasing access to downtown for people with disabilities:

  • More accessible parking spots
  • Re-designed crosswalks, curb cuts, and sidewalks
  • A new streetscape that increases safety and promotes walking and biking
  • Traffic-calming features


  • Elements of the downtown concept plan were incorporated into the new Transportation System Plan for the City of Corvallis.
  • BCHD presentations on the draft concept plan reached many community members and prompted a front-page article in the local newspaper. This communication resulted in community discussions on how to implement the ideas outlined in the plan.
  • Corvallis Public Works, the Downtown Advisory Board, and the Bike and Pedestrian Advisory Board, are working together to identify short-term projects for implementation and funding. Benton County Health Department staff continues to provide input to Corvallis Public Works to help them identify projects that can have a positive impact on the health and wellbeing of members of the community with disabilities.

Challenges/Lessons Learned:

Elements of the downtown concept plan were incorporated into the new Transportation System Plan for the City of Corvallis.

BCHD presentations on the draft concept plan reached many community members and prompted a front-page article in the local newspaper. This communication resulted in community discussions on how to implement the ideas outlined in the plan.

Corvallis Public Works, the Downtown Advisory Board, and the Bike and Pedestrian Advisory Board, are working together to identify short-term projects for implementation and funding. Benton County Health Department staff continues to provide input to Corvallis Public Works to help them identify projects that can have a positive impact on the health and wellbeing of members of the community with disabilities.

Program Areas:

Health Equity and Cultural Competency, Healthy Communities (general), Social Determinants of Health

State Contact Information:

Mac Gillespie
Benton County Health Department

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