Reducing Cancer Risk in Specific Communities

January 2021

The Cancer Prevention Across the Lifespan (CPAL) Workgroup within CDC’s Division of Cancer Prevention and Control is partnering with NACDD to develop innovative resources to empower public health practitioners and community leaders to implement evidence-based strategies to reduce cancer risk in their communities.

This project builds upon past work, which included collaboration with NACDD to conduct literature reviews and convene meetings of experts to identify factors influencing cancer risk as well as promising strategies to address these risks throughout the lifespan.
The CPAL workgroup now is focused on three specific populations and the unique risk factors that they face: American Indians and Alaska Natives, Hispanic populations, and people with adverse childhood experiences. NACDD and partners are supporting each of these three subgroups by examining a wide variety of national and state data sources to develop cancer risk profiles for these population groups.  

Two literature searches also are underway. One search captures the literature on the association between adverse childhood experiences and risk for cancer in adulthood. The other search includes an extensive review of cancer risk factors, including social determinants of health, among American Indians and Alaska Natives.

The group plans to summarize findings of the data and literature searches for presentation to public health practitioners via webinars, publications, and fact sheets.

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Read more from the January 2021 issue of Impact Brief below.

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