NACDD Health Equity Council Continues to Develop Strategies to Address Health Disparities

Through the active participation of representatives from state chronic disease programs, NACDD’s Health Equity Council (HEC) has developed tools, resources, and technical assistance for members. The Council continues to host opportunities for public health leaders to discuss, explore, and develop additional resources for state chronic disease directors to effectively address chronic disease disparities and the multi-dimensional issues contributing to disparities experienced by ethnic and racial minorities, people with disabilities, the LGBTQ, rural communities and the poor. Nine states—Louisiana, Massachusetts, Georgia, Arkansas, Virginia, Mississippi, New Hampshire, Minnesota, Florida—are working with the NACDD HEC to pilot the recently released, “Moving to Institutional Equity” tool. The objective of the tool is to help users recognize institutional racism by moving through a process to identify potentially racist policies and/or procedures, and then to explore opportunities to facilitate new outcomes. The nine states are analyzing hiring practices and developing health equity policies that will sustain health equity efforts in state chronic disease programs. Additionally, HEC recently was awarded a grant to implement the 2018 Health Equity Virtual conference, which is scheduled for fall 2018. Members are invited to join the Council as it works on these and other projects to develop tools, resources, and training for state chronic disease programs. The HEC meets the second Tuesday of each month at 2:00 p.m. ET. For call details, contact Robyn Taylor at

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