Empowering Healthcare Providers to Educate Patients on Arthritis Interventions

Exercise helps ease arthritis pain, yet nearly a third of adults with arthritis are physically inactive. In addition, about 65% of primary care providers don’t recommend arthritis appropriate, evidence-based interventions (AAEBIs) for their patients with arthritis.

To help empower healthcare providers and ultimately improve patient care, the National Association of Chronic Disease Directors (NACDD) worked with Medscape and faculty Elizabeth A. Joy, MD, MPH, to develop a Clinical Practice Assessment (CPA) “Lifestyle Management Programs for Arthritis: Test Your Knowledge on Evidence-Based Interventions.” The CPA is a 25-question self-assessment that helps learners self-assess their learning needs related to non-pharmacologic interventions for patients with arthritis and be better able to incorporate AAEBIs into their patients’ treatment programs. The CPA is a FREE CME activity that employs adult learning principles of application, reinforcement, and peer influence. It is aligned with core competencies of medical knowledge, patient care, and practice-based learning. Included as a component to the CPA is a resource library containing links to key literature and resources for healthcare providers.

Learn more about NACDD’s Arthritis Portfolio and join the NACDD Arthritis Engage Community (Quick Start Guide).


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