Health Equity Council – Tools & Resources


Recommended Readings

Research Articles

Community Based

Hillemeier, Marianne, Lynch, John, Harper, Sam, Casper, Michelle. Data Set Directory of Social Determinants of Health at the Local Level. Available at:


Health Equity Leadership & Exchange Network (HELEN) provides frequent updates on health equity-related policies, laws and programs through The HELEN Monitor.

Recommended Readings


Research Articles

  1. Carter-Pokras O, Baquet C. What is a “Health Disparity”?. Public Health Reports. 2002; Vol.117: 426-434. Available at:
  2. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. (2011). CDC Health Disparities and Inequalities Report – United States, 2011. Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report. January 14, 2011, 60(Supplement):1-116. Available at:
  3. Danaher A. (2011). Reducing Disparities and Improving Population Health: The role of a vibrant community sector. Toronto: On. The Wellesley Institute. Available at:
  4. James SA. (2009). Epidemiologic Research on Health Disparities: Some Thoughts on History and Current Developments. Epidemiologic Reviews, 31:1-6. DOI:10.1093/epirev/mxp010. Available at:
  5. Thomas, Stephen B., Quinn, Sandra Crouse. (2008). Poverty and Elimination of Urban Health Disparities: Challenges and Opportunities. Annals of NY Academy Sciences 1136: 111–125. Available at:

SDOH Fact Sheet

Power Point

Research Articles

  1. Baum FE, Bégin M, Houweling TAJ, Taylor S. (2009). Changes not for the fainthearted: Reorienting health care systems toward health equity through action on the social determinants of health. American Journal of Public Health, 99(11): 1967-1974. Available at:
  2. Burris S. (2011). Law in a Social Determinants Strategy: A Public Health Law Research Perspective. Public Health Reports, 126(S3):22-27. Available at:
  3. Hillemeier M, Lynch J, Harper S, Casper M. Data Set Directory of Social Determinants of Health at the Local Level. Atlanta: National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion; 2004. Available at:
  4. Syme, SL. (2004). Social determinants of health: the community as empowered partner. Preventing Chronic Disease, 1(1):1-5. Available at:
  5. World Health Organization. Latest Publications on Commission on Social Determinants of Health. Available at:

Advocacy Fact Sheet

Research Articles

  1. Robert Wood Johnson Foundation. (2010). A new way to talk about the social determinants of health. New York: NY. Robert Wood Johnson Foundation. Available at:
  2. United States Department of Health and Human Service. National Action Plan to Improve Health Literacy Available at:
  3. Pertillar, Tiffany; Pobutsky, PhD, Ann; Brandt, EdD, MPH, Gail; New, OTR, MPH, Marisa; Delavan, BA, JamieLou; Taylor, MBA, Robyn; Shah, MPA, MA, Amishi; Adunola, DDS, MPH, Folasaya; and Nweke, Onyemaechi (2016) “An Assessment of Funding and Other Capacity Needs for Health Equity Programming Within State-Level Chronic Disease Programs,” Journal of Health Disparities Research and Practice: Vol. 9 : Iss. 6, Article 7. Available at:

Cultural Competency Fact Sheet


Research Articles

  1. United States Department of Health Office of Minority Health, Think Cultural Health. Available at: United States Department of Health and Human Service. National Action Plan to Improve Health Literacy Available at:
  2. United States Department of Health and Human Service. National Action Plan to Improve Health Literacy Available at:

Cultural Competency Recommendations

Recommendations to the NACDD Board to insure an association that is culturally competent

Food Deserts to Food Oases

Community Action Guide

Unnatural Causes Toolkit

Health Equity Model Language

The purpose of this document is to assist public health staff with model language to use in official documents. The statements help drive action toward policies that result in real changes in the social determinants of health.

Health Equity at Work Survey 2.0 

The NACDD Health Equity at Work Survey 2.0 is a resource designed to assess the capacity of State Health Department (SHD) staff to advance health equity in both practice and community outcomes. The survey assesses SHD staff’s skills in communication, policies and practices, cultural humility, program planning and development, analytic assessment, and community practice. At the end of the survey, respondents will receive a score reflecting their self-rated abilities in these areas. The purpose of this assessment is to evaluate growth opportunities for training, technical assistance and/or programming. The Center for Justice in Public Health will follow up with respondents directly about potential training opportunities based on their scores.

Linking Health Equity to 10 Essential PH Services

Action ideas to achieve health Equity by linking to the 10 Essential Public Health Services

Health Equity Council Tools and HP2020

Document contains a crosswalk or Health Equity Council tools, HP2020 objectives and Community Transformation Grants (CTG) approaches.

High School Dropout as a PH Issue

The action guide provides recommendations on how public health staff can help reduce high school drop outs.

Neighborhood Segregation

Guide calling public health staff to action in recognizing neighborhood segregation as a public health concern and steps to prevention.

Promising Practices to Reduce Inequity

10 Promising Practices to reduce social inequities in public health – high level interventions

Public Health Roles for Action to Reduce Health Inequities

Public Health Roles for Action to Reduce Health Inequities

SDOH Recommendations for Action

Recommendations for NACDD Board Action on the CDC Expert Panel on SDOH report

Careers at NACDD

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