Impact Brief Submission Guidelines and Tip Sheet

Last Updated: April 2021

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Newsletter Editorial Agenda

  • Impact Brief is the official newsletter for the National Association of Chronic Disease Directors. Impact Brief highlights the most important news for the Association, its programs, and its partners.
  • Impact Brief’s goal is to help NACDD’s Members be informed about relevant opportunities for their work, become engaged with their Association, and grow in their career in chronic disease prevention and health promotion.


  • It is distributed to more than 4,600 NACDD Members, partners, and stakeholders and promoted on our website and social media.

  • Impact Brief is distributed on the last week of every month, except in December during Impact Brief’s holiday break. 


NACDD Consultants and Staff should follow the NACDD’s Monthly Editorial Calendar for information on when their program or activity will be highlighted in Impact Brief and the due date for their submission.


  • Should include a brief blurb or summary (50-100 words) of a newsworthy event or item for inclusion in the email newsletter along with a link to a longer piece or item (these can be posted on NACDD’s website or elsewhere).

    • The blurb can describe a publication, microsite, video, social media post, blog, news article, press release, or update to a program webpage that already has been distributed.

  • Use final text that has been reviewed and approved by program leaders (and, if necessary, technical monitors or funders) prior to submission.

  • Submit your Impact Brief item through our Communications Service Request.

  • The Communications Department will confirm receipt of the submission within three business days.

    • Submissions will be reviewed and edited to fit the Brief’s and NACDD’s style and tone, and to correct errors. (Submissions should clarify whether funders or sponsoring agencies do not want the content to be edited.)

    • The Communications Department may follow up for further clarification or to ask for program review of copy that has been significantly edited.

  • Submissions may be shortened to one or two sentences for the electronic newsletter, with a link to a longer article that will be posted on the Impact Brief blog.

  • Submissions are not guaranteed acceptance; if a submission is not accepted for publication, the Communications Department will follow up with the submitter to provide feedback.

Impact Brief Submission Tips

  • Save yourself an extra form submission! If you are sending an item for final posting on the website or social media, you can also submit it simultaneously for Impact Brief by following the prompts in the Communications Services Request form. And vice versa! If you are submitting something for Impact Brief, you also can submit it for posting on the website at the same time.

  • Choose topics that are newsworthy like a major milestone in a program, a new approach to a problem, the impact of an activity on a local community, or a surprising positive outcome for a project.

  • Start with a strong introductory sentence, the “lead,” to explain what the news is.

  • Tie articles back to NACDD’s strategic objectives.
  • “Show” don’t “tell” the audience why a project is important and impactful; provide statistics and concrete examples to help communicate your story.

  • Get permission to use photos:

    • Collect release forms for all people quoted or photographed in the stories. (NACDD Staff and Consultants can find Release Form templates in our Graphic Tools)

    • Make sure licenses have been secured before using any stock photos from the web.

  • Include links to additional resources for more information or calls to action for how Members can become involved with or connected to the work.

  • Be sure to proofread the submission for typos and grammatical errors. Check for other NACDD style preferences in our Communications Guide.

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