Partnership Makes Free Self-Management Education Available

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Submission Date: December 2010

State/Territory Submitted on the Behalf of: New York

States/Territories Involved: New York

Domain Addressed:

Community-Clinical Linkages

Public Health Issue:

  • The northern New York region including St. Lawrence, Jefferson and Lewis counties has the highest rate of diabetes in the state.
  • Diabetes self-management education is crucial to diabetes treatment because it is effective in improving blood sugar control.
  • This important education often is not readily available in communities, especially for people without a way to pay for it.
  • In St. Lawrence County alone, almost forty percent of the population earns less than $25,000 a year and thirteen percent report having no health insurance.

Program Action:

  • The Community Diabetes Regional Outreach Partnership is a coalition of upstate New York counties committed to raising awareness and educating the community about diabetes risk and prevention.
  • Claxton Hepburn Medical Center, a member of the Partnership, held a free Community Diabetes Education Day. Funds from the New York State Department of Health Diabetes Prevention and Control Program and a grant from the pharmaceutical company Novo-Nordisk to the hospital’s diabetes management program covered costs.
  • The curriculum was developed by a team of providers using the American Diabetes Association Standards for Diabetes Self Management Education group classes.
  • The program reached over thirty people with diabetes and some spouses.


  • Participants say they feel better able to manage their diabetes since participating in the program making it more likely they’ll take steps to control their diabetes.
  • The program reached people who otherwise may not have been able to benefit – about a fourth of the participants lacked sufficient health insurance.
  • As one participant says, “this was the most informative session I have ever experienced.”
  • A number of participants continue to attend monthly sessions providing support for the  important steps they are taking to control their diabetes.

Program Areas:


State Contact Information:

New York
Nicole Garnsey
Community Diabetes Regional Outreach Partnership
(315) 783-6810

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