Partnering with Businesses to Cover Diabetes Prevention as a Health Benefit

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Submission Date: August 2014

Entry Type: Case Study

State/Territory Submitted on the Behalf of: Colorado

States/Territories Involved: Colorado

Funding Source: NACDD

Other Funding:

NACDD funding

Domain Addressed:

Environmental Approaches

Public Health Issue:

  • 86 million (more than 1 out of 3) American adults have prediabetes, and 9 out of 10 people with prediabetes do not know they have it. In Colorado, 6% of adults identified with having prediabetes. Without lifestyle changes to improve their health, 15 – 30% of people with prediabetes will develop type 2 diabetes within five years.
  • The Diabetes Prevention Program research study showed that making modest behavior changes helped participants lose 5 – 7% of their body weight and reduced the risk of developing type 2 diabetes by 58% in people with prediabetes.
  • The cost of participating in the National Diabetes Prevention Program’s (National DPP) evidence-based lifestyle change program is a barrier to many individuals with prediabetes. State health departments can partner with organizations such as business coalitions or other employer groups to increase support for the lifestyle change program as a covered health benefit.

Project Objectives:

To increase awareness of prediabetes and the evidence-based lifestyle change program among employers, including members of business coalitions and chambers of commerce, to create movement toward coverage for employees.

Program Action:

The Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment (CDPHE) advocated for inclusion of the evidence-based lifestyle change program in employee health benefit plans. To do this, CDPHE partnered with the Colorado Business Group on Health (CBGH) and other business coalitions to raise awareness of prediabetes and diabetes prevention among employers. As part of this project, CDPHE was asked to present at several business coalition events. These events included Colorado Business Group on Health (CBGH) member meetings, CBGH’s annual conference, and a Denver Metro Chamber of Commerce Healthcare Committee meeting. For each of these events, CDPHE developed PowerPoint presentations, talking points, and flyers.

The National Business Coalition on Health (NBCH) assisted with creation of a presentation for employers and provided action briefs to distribute at meetings. CDPHE educated employers about the value of the evidence-based lifestyle change program and its potential impact on reducing health care costs. Increasing awareness was instrumental to engaging employers in discussions about including the lifestyle change program in their employee health benefit packages.Meeting attendees were surveyed to determine the effectiveness of the presentation. In addition, CDPHE wrote an article about the evidence-based lifestyle change program for CBGH’s Colorado Health Matters Quality Reports, an annual publication distributed to consumers, employers, and physicians. The article discussed the impact of prediabetes and provided an overview of the evidence-based lifestyle change program.

The Colorado Business Group on Health values the long-standing relationship we have had with the Colorado Department of Public Health & Environment, and we are pleased to help contribute to the success of promoting awareness and action among Colorado employers. We know that it takes many helping hands to attain a healthier community.” -Donna Marshall, CBGH

State Health Department Role

  • Partnered with the Colorado Business Group on Health (CBGH) and other business coalitions and groups
  • Served as a prediabetes content expert and created business-focused educational materials and tools
  • Raised awareness of prediabetes and the evidence-based lifestyle change program among employers through presentations at business events
  • Conducted pre- and post-surveys among attendees at business events to look for changes in level of awareness
  • Capitalized on new opportunities to educate employers individually in response to interest generated by business coalition events


  • Colorado Business Group on Health
  • National Business Coalition on Health
  • Denver Metro Chamber of Commerce Healthcare Committee


  • 4 Business coalition events
  • 150 Employers educated about the evidence-based lifestyle change program and its value as a covered health benefit; 45,217 Employees work for these employers
  • Increased awareness of prediabetes and the evidence-based lifestyle change program among business meeting attendees
    • 70% (24 of 34) of respondents at the CBGH Annual Conference
    • 90% (19 of 21) of respondents at the Denver Metro Chamber of Commerce Health Care Committee meeting
  • 84% (16 of 19) respondents at the Denver Metro Chamber of Commerce Health Care Committee meeting indicated they would negotiate with their health plan for the evidence-based lifestyle change program

Challenges/Lessons Learned:

Factors Supporting Success

  • Dedicated Funding: $15,000
  • Business coalition was an active member of the Diabetes Prevention Program Advisory Group and created valuable connections to other employers and business groups
  • Partnerships with health plans and other employer groups
  • Used the business expertise of the State Health Department’s Worksite Wellness Manager
  • Accessed business-related resources from National Association of Chronic Disease Directors and NBCH

Challenges and Solutions

Challenge: Lack of knowledge among CDPHE staff about employers’ purchasing power with health plans
Solution: Met with the executive director of CBGH to learn more about this process

Challenge: Need for additional materials and talking points tailored to employers for use in presentations
Solution: Sought employer-specific materials and talking points from CDC and NBCH


Next Steps:

CDPHE has an opportunity to collaborate with Health Links, a nonprofit initiative that helps to create sustainable wellness and safety programs for small businesses by offering solutions such as seed funding, certification, and expert coaching, and by connecting businesses to each other and to vital resources that can help them succeed. CDPHE has begun meeting with Health Links and discussing opportunities for evidence-based lifestyle change program providers to connect with employers.

CDPHE has also outreached to the Colorado Springs YMCA to discuss how the evidence-based lifestyle change program can be a part of their Corporate Wellness Program. In addition, CDPHE was invited to an Obesity Management Symposium conducted by the University of Colorado Health and Welfare Trust and asked to participate in a panel presentation with United Healthcare and the Diabetes Prevention and Control Alliance at the CBGH’s annual Culture of Health Conference.

Primary web link for more information:
Program Areas:


State Contact Information:

Kelly McCracken
Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment

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