OQUIN – Outpatient Quality Improvement Network

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Submission Date: December 2012

Entry Type: Case Study

State/Territory Submitted on the Behalf of: South Carolina

States/Territories Involved: South Carolina

Domain Addressed:

Health Systems Strategies

Public Health Issue:

Blood pressure control rate is currently ~30%

Project Objectives:

OQUIN’s goal is to improve blood pressure control rates from the current level of ~30% of all people with hypertension; improve control for cholesterol, A1C and smoking use.

Program Action:

This project targets the primary care patient population.The Outpatient Quality Improvement Network (OQUIN) is an active, practice-based research and quality improvement network. OQUIN maintains a database that contains data on over 1.94 million patients seen by approximately 3,000 physicians, and actively monitors patients with major CVD risk factors.

Partners include:

Medical University of SC

American Society for Hypertension (ASH)

OQUIN, Diabetes Connect Program

SC DHEC Public Health Regions

Data/Other Information Collected:

Semi-annual data reports will include BP control, cholesterol, A1C, & smoking status. Comparative data analysis of certified HTN Specialist vs non-specialist.


For the period ended Dec 2010, the number of patients seen by non-hypertension specialist was 251,400, with a control rate of 66% for patients with BP =<140/90.

As of December 2011, OQUIN increased reach by 69% to include 423, 986 patients with a control rate of 67% for patients with BP =<140/90 seen by non-hypertension specialist.

Hypertension control defined as BP =<140/90, was achieved by 74% of the 2011 patient population of HTN specialists with reach increasing by 35% to 8,396 in 2011 from 6,199 in 2010.

Challenges/Lessons Learned:

Determining the universe of primary care practices in SC remains a challenge.

Next Steps:

Promoting recruitment of primary care practices for this program. Also, ASH and HDSP are promoting CME certifications.

Program Areas:

Diabetes, Heart Disease and Stroke, Tobacco

State Contact Information:

Joy F. Brooks, MHA, Director
SC Department of Health and Environmental Control

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