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Submission Date: December 2013

State/Territory Submitted on the Behalf of: Minnesota

States/Territories Involved: Minnesota

Domain Addressed:

Community-Clinical Linkages

Public Health Issue:

  • In Minnesota 7.3% of adults have diagnosed diabetes.Ā  As many as 35%, approximately 1.4 million adults, may have prediabetes, which means they are at increased risk of developing diabetes.
  • The Diabetes Prevention Program is a research-tested intervention that uses lifestyle change to reduce type 2 diabetes risk. Among people with prediabetes who participated in the program, the number of people who developed diabetes within 3 years was reduced by 58% as compared to standard care from a provider.
  • The National Diabetes Prevention Program is a public-private partnership of community organizations, private insurers, employers, health care organizations and government agencies working to establish local evidence-based lifestyle change programs to delay or prevent the development of diabetes in at-risk adults.

Program Action:

  • In 2007 the Minnesota Diabetes Program (MDP) began implementing the Diabetes Prevention Program, following the group-tested format of the original research curriculum, using the name ā€œI CAN Prevent Diabetesā€ (I CAN PD).Ā  Since 2011, when CDC developed the National Diabetes Prevention Program (NDPP) curriculum, MDP has used this curriculum.Ā  I CAN PD became a ā€œbrand-nameā€ for bringing the NDPP to Minnesotans.
  • The MDP recruits organizations to implement I CAN PD in their communities, organizes training, provides technical assistance on program implementation, monitoring, and evaluation, and fosters coordinated partnerships among public health departments, clinics, hospitals and community organizations.
  • Building on existing infrastructure for diabetes prevention, in 2012 the MDP partnered with over 50 representatives from business, insurers, health care, academic and community organizations to form the Minnesota Diabetes Collective Impact Initiative, whose state-wide prevention goal is to make the NDPP available to all who need it in Minnesota.


  • More than 30 communities have offered I CAN PD groups and many others have coaches who have been trained. These communities include cities and towns of all sizes in urban, suburban and rural settings.
  • Organizations that reach Latino, African American, American Indian, Somali and lower-income populations are strongly represented among partners delivering the NDPP. Other key partners include clinics, university partners, and hospital community outreach programs.
  • More than 300 individuals completed the entire 4 month core phase of the program between July 1, 2012 and June 30, 2013 and attended at least 4 core sessions.
  • Preliminary results for many of the individuals above (n=298) show :
  • 39% lost at least 5% of their original weight
  • 28% lost 7% of their original weight

Program Areas:


State Contact Information:

Rita Mays , MS, RD, LN
Minnesota Diabetes Prevention and Control Program

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