Boston Neighbor-walk

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Submission Date: December 2012

State/Territory Submitted on the Behalf of: Massachusetts

States/Territories Involved: Massachusetts

Domain Addressed:

Environmental Approaches

Public Health Issue:

  • Boston, Massachusetts area residents can be challenged by safety concerns common to big cities even though their city has many attractive, walkable areas.
  • Walking is a low cost, highly effective way of meeting physical activity guidelines but not enough urban residents are walking.

Program Action:

  • Boston NeighborWalk program, part of the Boston Public Health Commission, provides $500 grants to community-based organizations to identify convenient and accessible walking routes, organize weekly walks, and recruit walking groups, which are assigned a walk leader who also assists in educational sessions.
  • The Boston Public Health Commission has been supported by the direct involvement of the Mayor(s) of Boston throughout the life of the program.
  • The Boston Police Department patrols walking areas to help insure safety and the Boston Red Sox provided funding to help sustain the program.


  • This program enables residents to be active (for free!) in their own neighborhoods.
  •  The Harvard University Prevention Research Center showed that in the first 5 years:
  • over 1200 individuals took 1501 walks averaging 2.2 miles
  • median daily walk time for participants was  43 minutes
  • participants report walking more at work (+57%), place-to-place (+73%) and in leisure time (+57%)
  • The NeighborWalk experience shows that safety barriers can be overcome when municipalities and organizations commit to doing so. The program also credits walking in groups as a facilitator to activity.
  • Celebration of the 10th year in 2012 with 27 groups and more than 380 participants walking demonstrates the program’s sustainability.
  • Integrating NeighborWalk into Boston Moves for Health, a new, larger, mayor’s initiative can help meet the mayor’s goal for residents of 10,000,000 miles walked this year.

Program Areas:

Healthy Communities (general)

State Contact Information:

Mary Jane Williams, MS
Boston Public Health Commission

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