PRESS RELEASE: NACDD Supports National Minority Health Month

Association Curates Resources and Hosts Webinar to Support National Minority Health Month


CONTACT: Zunera Mirza,

ATLANTA (Apr. 8, 2020) – As part of National Minority Health Month, the National Association of Chronic Disease Directors (NACDD) encourages communities of color to find opportunities to promote physical activity to help reduce the particular burden chronic disease places on these traditionally threatened groups.  

Every April, National Minority Health Month seeks to increase discussion and action to address health disparities and inequities that continue to affect racial and ethnic minorities. 

“The National Association of Chronic Disease Directors supports National Minority Health Month because the Association believes everyone in America should have the chance to live a healthy life, regardless of who they are, where they are from, or where they live,” said John W. Robitscher, MPH, CEO of NACDD.

This year’s theme, “Move Your Way,” has unique relevance in the context of the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, said Robyn Taylor, NACDD’s Health Equity Consultant.  

“Communities of color may not live in areas where it is safe to walk, run, or otherwise participate in physical activity around their neighborhood and also may be prohibited from doing so due to COVID-19 social distancing guidance,” Taylor said.

The National Association of Chronic Disease Directors has dedicated many years of work and activities to reducing health inequities and disparities through our Health Equity Council (established in the 1990s) as well as through the Association’s program portfolio work on diabetes, cancer, and other significant causes of disability and death in the United States.

In honor of Minority Health Month, NACDD pulled together multiple resources to support state and territorial work in this area and also hosted a webinar, “Moving Upstream, What Does that Mean?” at 2 p.m. ET on Tues., April 14. Featuring Dr. RenĂ©e Branch Canady, Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of the Michigan Public Health Institute, the webinar focused on improving the fundamental social, systemic, and economic structures to decrease barriers and improve supports that allow people to achieve their full health potential.

Dr. Canady is a national thought leader in the areas of health inequities and disparities, cultural competence, and social justice. Dr. Canady has been highly influential in broadening the discussion of health equity, health inequities, and social justice while serving on numerous national boards, review panels, and advisory groups. Dr. Canady often leads workshops and discussions about what it means to ‘move upstream.’  

Listen to a recording of the webinar by clicking on the link:

NACDD also offers the following resources for State and Territorial Health Department staff interested in broadening their scope and consideration of how minority health can be improved through chronic disease programming:

Health Equity webpage
/Program Materials

NACDD Portfolio Work Supporting Health Equity and Minority Health


Cardiovascular Health



Addressing Upstream Factors

“We must not lose sight of those most impacted by chronic disease and the underlying social and economic reasons why communities of color are more likely to become ill or die during public health emergencies, like COVID-19,” Robitscher said. “NACDD will continue its strong commitment to minority health during COVID-19 and after the pandemic is over.”


About The National Association of Chronic Disease Directors

Promoting Health. Preventing Disease.

The National Association of Chronic Disease Directors (NACDD) and its more than 7,000 Members seek to strengthen state-based leadership and expertise for chronic disease prevention and control in states and nationally. Established in 1988, in partnership with the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, NACDD is the only membership association of its kind to serve and represent every chronic disease division in all states and U.S. territories. For more information, visit

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