Off the Cuff Oct 28, 2019


Off the Cuff: CVH Clinical and Community Connections for State & Local Public Health Departments
Information from state and national partners
Facilitated by the Cardiovascular Health Network of NACDD
Issue 169, Oct. 28, 2019
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Calls and Webinars Worth Your Time

Optimizing Care: Million HeartsĀ® Fall 2019 Updates
Monday, Oct. 28, 2019, 2-3:00 p.m. ET
Sponsors: NACDD CVH Team and Million HeartsĀ®

Optimizing Care is one of the three priorities of Million HeartsĀ® 2022, focusing health care strategies to improve the ABCS to 80%, increase the use of cardiac rehabilitation to 70%, and engage patients in heart-healthy behaviors. To that end, Million HeartsĀ® is excited to provide several updates including two projects supporting care optimization: the release of their third quality improvement resource, the Tobacco Cessation Change Package, and the launch of their new recognition program, Million HeartsĀ® Hospitals & Health Systems.

Register now!   

National Forum 17th Annual Meeting: Catalyst for Collaboration
Wednesday, Oct. 30, 2019
Sponsor: National Forum
Join via live stream the National Forum’s 17th Annual Meeting: Catalyst for Collaboration. Click on the links below at the designated time to view each panel.

9:05 AM – Welcome & Introductions
9:05 AM – National Forum Signature Report: Heart Failure Tsunami
9:55 AM – Impact of Cardiovascular Health on National Security  
11:00 AM – Removing Policy and System Barriers to Cardiovascular Health: Implementing Practices on Payer/Purchaser Coverage
1:05 PM – Reaching Cardiovascular Health Goals
2:45 PM – Million HeartsĀ® 2022
2:50 PM – Closing and Call to Action

For session descriptions and a list of speakers, click here.  

Tweet Your Chronic Disease Maps on GIS Day
Wednesday, Nov. 13, 2019
Sponsors: CDC, NACDD and Childrenā€™s Environment Health Institute (CEHI)
GIS Day is coming up on November 13, 2019.  CDC, NACDD, and CEHI invite you to celebrate by sharing your chronic disease GIS maps on Twitter! The goal is to get as many organizations and individuals as possible tweeting on GIS Day using the hashtag #ChronicDiseaseMaps. The tweets can highlight the important work you are doing with GIS for chronic disease surveillance, prevention and treatment as well as include a JPEG/GIF image of a map.

How can you participate?
On November 13, share your maps and explain in a tweet(s) how they contribute to chronic disease prevention. Feel free to include links to any related content. Make sure to include #ChronicDiseaseMaps in your tweet!


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