From the CVH Network Leadership Team
Tara Trujillo, Chair
As we launch into the new 1815 and 1817 grants, the CVH Network Leadership Team would like to congratulate you all on past program successes and acknowledge your continued commitment to improving cardiovascular health in every state. The work you do is far-reaching, long-term and deeply impactful and we are honored to do this work with you.
We also want to thank you for your continued participation in the CVH Network. As participants in the network, we all have the opportunity to help to advise NACDD, CDC’s Division for Heart Disease and Stroke Prevention, and other partners on the training and technical assistance needs of state and local health departments. The CVH Network Leadership Team sets priorities and recommends the best methods for these partners to provide support to health departments regarding hypertension control strategies and community-clinical linkages. For more information about the Leadership Team, please visit our webpage.
I’m excited to work with you as we begin new cardiovascular disease prevention and management work and grow our network. Please feel free to reach out to me at any time at to share your thoughts and suggestions.
Tara Trujillo, MNM
Chronic Disease Specialist
Diabetes and Cardiovascular Disease Unit Manager
Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment