Off the Cuff February 10, 2020

Off the Cuff: CVH Clinical and Community Connections for State & Local Public Health Departments
Information from state and national partners
Facilitated by the Cardiovascular Health Network of NACDD
Issue 182, Feb.10, 2020
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Calls and Webinars Worth Your Time

Journey Wisely: A Process for Identifying Emerging Topics and Pursuing Knowledge Translation
Tuesday, Feb. 11, 2020, 2:30-2:50  p.m. ET
Sponsor: CDC Division for Heart Disease and Stroke Prevention, the Applied Research and Translation Team

Join us for a 20-minute coffee break presentation on how best to balance work on new and emerging issues while continuing to address ongoing priorities in public health sufficiently.

The Applied Research and Translation Team developed a process based on the Knowledge to Action Framework to provide a practical and structured method for efficiently thinking through the steps in knowledge translation. The process includes five phases – problem identification, vetting the issue and obtaining buy-in, decision to translate, translation of knowledge into products, and dissemination – all of which promote stakeholder engagement and formative evaluation. In this coffee break, we will present each phase in the translation journey, using community paramedicine as an applied example. Attendees will learn about a flexible approach for assessing emerging public health topics, considering supporting evidence, and deciding if and when to translate knowledge into products.

No need to register, join via Adobe Connect and call 855-644-0229, Conference ID: 8247938

Past presentations are available at the Coffee Breaks archive on the CDC Website.

Epidemiology and Evaluation Collaborative Monthly Call
Wednesday, Feb. 12, 2020, 2-3:00 p.m. ET 

Sponsor: NACDD CVH Team
The Epidemiology and Evaluation Collaborative (EEC) is a peer-led group of epidemiologists and evaluators who meet monthly to support each other in navigating 1815 and 1817 epidemiology, surveillance, evaluation, and performance measures. Participants have the opportunity to share resources, discuss what they are working on, ask questions, and provide feedback to CDC. Join this meeting through Zoom by either calling: +16699009128,,477703835# or +16465588656,,477703835# or using this URL:, Meeting ID: 477 703 835.

To receive agendas and email updates, please contact Hannah Herold,

Healthy Heart Ambassador (HHA) Blood Pressure Self-Monitoring Program (BPSM) for Community Organizations
Wednesday  Feb 12, 2020, 2-3:00 p.m. ET

Sponsor: CDC Division for Heart Disease and Stroke Prevention
Please join this CDC webinar offering to learn more about how to partner with community organizations to implement the HHA-BPSM program in communities to provide better access to high-risk populations where they live, work, or play. (This is a repeat of the Jan. 29, 2020 call.)

The call will:

  • Discuss the need for community programs
  • Describe the p

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