Off the Cuff December 10, 2018


Off the Cuff: CVH Clinical and Community Connections for State & Local Public Health Departments
Information from state and national partners
Facilitated by the Cardiovascular Health Network of NACDD
Issue 126, December 10, 2018
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From the CVH Network Leadership Team

Tara Trujillo, Chair

Review the Slate of Candidates and Vote for Your 2019 CVH Network Leadership Team Representatives by Friday, Dec. 21.

As you organize your calendar for the holidays, please make sure to vote for your 2019 CVH Network Leadership Team representatives. We received a wonderful response to our call for nominations. All state staff working on 1815/1817 Category B strategies are eligible to vote for the candidates who will:

  • Represent state health departments to NACDD, CDC, and other partners;
  • Facilitate peer connections among staff working on cardiovascular disease interventions;
  • Set the priorities and best methods for providing support to all state health departments, such as recommending topics for webinars and Fireside Chats and helping to determine the most suitable means to disseminate information; and
  • Coordinate and integrate activities with other NACDD councils and committees.

View more information on the CVH Network Leadership Network.


Webinars and Calls Worth Your TimeEpidemiology and Evaluation Collaborative Monthly Call
Wednesday, Dec.12, 2018, 2-3:00 p.m. ET
Sponsor: NACDD CVH Team

The Epidemiology and Evaluation Collaborative (ECC) is a peer-led group of epidemiologists and evaluators who meet monthly to support each other in navigating 1815 and 1817 epidemiology, surveillance, evaluation, and performance measures. Participants have the opportunity to share resources, discuss what they are working on, ask questions and provide feedback to CDC. Call 1-877-273 4202, room 793-903-441 at the time indicated above. If you’re not receiving emails and agendas from MaryCatherine Jones about EEC meetings, join our listserv by emailing

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