Conversations about Cancer

Watch this video to discover what a Conversation Simulation is all about. Practice having conversations with your doctor and your family as you talk with the virtual cancer survivors. Linda, Nathan, and our suite of virtual characters were developed with input from cancer survivors, patients, and providers to help navigate difficult conversations about cancer. Explore the many simulations and videos below.

Simulación en español

Se pueden elegir diferentes opciones para obtener respuestas a preguntas sobre cómo tomar decisiones saludables de salud. Vea conversaciones simuladas para responder a sus preguntas sobre:

Prevención de infecciones durante los tratamientos
Cáncer de próstata: toma de decisiones compartida
Explorar conductas de salud
Detección de ansiedad y angustia
Cáncer de mama triple negativo
Actividad física y nutrición
Consumo de tabaco
Consumo de alcohol

Conversations about Cancer Screening

Prostate Cancer Screening

Play this interactive module to help you explore screening options and ways to talk with your doctor about your preferences. Click the picture for a short trailer.

Hereditary Breast and Ovarian Cancer Resources

Explore these videos to hear how a diverse group of women approached difficult conversations about their family’s history of cancer. Finding ways to make these conversations easier and more productive can improve the patient experience and health outcomes.

Tools and videos about genetic screening for Hereditary Breast and Ovarian Cancer coming soon

Conversations about Cancer Treatment

Triple Negative Breast Cancer

Talk with Linda to learn more about triple negative breast cancer and recommended treatments.

Prostate Cancer Treatment

Talk with Nathan to explore different treatment options for prostate cancer, side effects, and how to talk with your doctor to make a treatment decision that’s right for you. Click the picture for a short trailer.

Conversations about Healthy Habits in Cancer Survivorship

Physical Activity & Nutrition

Talk with Linda and explore how to eat healthy and exercise as a cancer survivor.

Alcohol Use

Talk with Linda about alcohol use and its effect on cancer survivors.

Tobacco Use

Talk with Linda about tobacco use and its effect on cancer survivors.

Anxiety & Distress

Talk with Linda about dealing with the anxiety and distress that come with cancer survivorship.

Careers at NACDD

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