The National Association of Chronic Disease Directors (NACDD) has prepared several resources to assist State Health Department Chronic Disease Units and other public health professionals as they respond to the COVID-19 pandemic. We will continue to add to this list as new resources are available.
- Learn how to:
- “Lead Virtual Meetings,” via our professional development module, which will help you gain the confidence and competence to facilitate virtual meetings that both provide meeting attendees a positive experience and achieve your results.
- “Make Virtual Work, ‘Work’” via our professional development module, which includes tips for managers and staff on how to maintain morale, increase communication, and enhance virtual work.
- Need help getting started with your own team’s remote work policies? View NACDD’s Telecommute Policy to help inform your own plans and processes.
- Communicate effectively during a crisis by listening to a podcast case study from New Hampshire about how they handled a cluster of pediatric cancer cases.
- “Lead Virtual Meetings,” via our professional development module, which will help you gain the confidence and competence to facilitate virtual meetings that both provide meeting attendees a positive experience and achieve your results.
- View three short videos to help you work more efficiently and effectively at home:
“Working from Home – Tips to Excel”
- Hold virtual meetings that are effective and mindful.
Last Updated: May 1, 2020