MA Pharmacy Initiative

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Submission Date: December 2012

Entry Type: Case Study

State/Territory Submitted on the Behalf of: Massachusetts

States/Territories Involved: Massachusetts

Domain Addressed:

Health Systems Strategies

Public Health Issue:

There is a need to control health system costs while maintaining quality now that 98.5% of MA residents have insurance coverage. It’s unclear which team members are pivotal & which services result in the optimal care outcomes.

Project Objectives:

To evaluate whether medication & disease management by pharmacists will improve clinical outcomes related to BP, chol, diabetes & reduce health care costs.

By evaluating & then reproducing existing successful models of collaboration, DPH will create statewide changes in systems of care for chronic disease.

Program Action:

DPH will contract with UMass Center for Health Policy and Research to provide formative evaluation of four existing models of pharmacist-physician collaboration. Focus will be on MassHealth members, as they bear the disparate burden of disease

Partners include:

MA Department of Public Health

MA Pharmacy Association

MA College of Pharmacy

UMass Medical Center for Health Policy & Research

Northeastern U School of Pharmacy

Greater Lawrence FHC

Sullivan’s Pharmacy

Acton Pharmacy

S. Huntington Ambulatory Care Clinic


Data/Other Information Collected:

Reduced avoidable hospital & ED admissions

Improved clinical outcomes(A1c, BP, Chol)

Improved medication adherance


Identified 4 innovative models of pharm-MD collaboration. Established relationships with each of 3 colleges of pharmacy in MA as well as the MA Pharmacy  Association

Challenges/Lessons Learned:

Getting access to MassHealth claims data for phase 2. Breadth of data requested, both medical and prescription claims as well as clinical data from medical record.

Next Steps:

Umass will develop a scope of work for phase 1. UMASS will begin orientation site visits for each of 4 participating sites

Program Areas:

Public Health Practice, Other

State Contact Information:

Claire Blais
Massachusetts Department of Pubic Health

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