Coalition Spurs Food and Physical Activity Effort in Lake County

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Submission Date: December 2011

State/Territory Submitted on the Behalf of: Ohio

States/Territories Involved: Ohio

Domain Addressed:

Environmental Approaches

Public Health Issue:

Ohio’s obese children are almost five times more likely to have diabetes and obese adults are also more likely to have one or more chronic diseases, such as diabetes and heart disease.

A local coalition advancing changes in policy and the built environment to promote physical activity opportunities, healthy eating, and less use of tobacco gives people of all ages the support they need to lead healthier lives.

Program Action:

Lake County General Health District receives funding from the National Association of Chronic Disease Directors through its partnership with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, to implement Action Communities for Health, Innovation and EnVironmental ChangE (ACHIEVE) and advance leadership and action to reduce chronic diseases and related risk factors in the county.

The ACHIEVE Lake County team is implementing policy, system, and environmental change strategies throughout the community related to schools, worksites and other community sites.


Fourth graders in 12 schools are learning better food choices through a hands-on curriculum called Veggie U that also meets federal standards for No Child Left Behind. “I like that you can plant seeds, watch them grow and then pick the vegetables and eat them,” said a fourth grader quoted in the local News Herald newspaper. Small grants to schools are also funding school gardens and a running club.

Longfellow Elementary School created Fit for Fifteen, adding a daily fifteen minute walk for all students and ACHIEVE Lake County funds provided items such as salad shakers, baked potatoes and yogurt to improve lunch menus. Principal Ruth Ann Plate was quoted in the News Herald as saying “We are shaping lives for the future.”

Lake County General Health District put healthier items in its vending machines and installed bike racks for employees.

The county deputy health commissioner initiated a search to begin in fall 2011 for the district exemplifying the ‘School of a Healthier Tomorrow’ concept which will receive a $10,000 competitive award to implement school wellness policies and programs as a model for other county schools.

An ACHIEVE Lake County partner leveraged $10,000 for diabetes self-management classes which promote physical activity and healthy eating – a proven practice for control of diabetes.

To sustain and expand the ACHIEVE effort a donation campaign launched by the nonprofit Lake Health District Fund in partnership with the Lake County General Health District is underway.

Program Areas:

Healthy Communities (general)

State Contact Information:

Tori Luyster
Lake County General Health District

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