Jump Start to Better Health for Manchester Kentucky ACHIEVE

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Submission Date: December 2012

State/Territory Submitted on the Behalf of: Kentucky

States/Territories Involved: Kentucky

Domain Addressed:

Environmental Approaches

Public Health Issue:

Smoking rates in Kentucky where Manchester is located are the highest of the 50 states – 29% of Kentuckians are smokers, more than 2 ½ times higher than the lowest state smoking rate.

Indoor air quality testing in 10 indoor public venues in Clay County where smoking was allowed showed that, on average, workers and patrons were exposed to indoor air pollution over 2 times higher than even the outdoor National Ambient Air Quality Standard.

Changing policies and environments to reduce smoking and exposure to secondhand smoke and to promote healthy eating and physical activity reduces risk factors for chronic disease

Program Action:

Manchester, Kentucky is funded by the National Association of Chronic Disease Directors as an ACHIEVE (Action Communities for Health, Innovation and Environmental Change) community with support from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

When Manchester, KY was featured in the Washington Post as an example of the “most unhealthy” towns in the nation, the health department and local community leaders were galvanized to take action.  As a result, Manchester received ACHIEVE funding and established the Healthy Clay team to develop a comprehensive change plan to advocate for healthy eating, increased physical activity and reduced tobacco exposure.

The ACHIEVE team presented the results of a community assessment to community leaders, educating them about the importance and impact of developing policies to improve health.  Within a month of this session and with additional technical assistance, the mayor and city council passed a smoke-free ordinance for the City of Manchester


A new smoke-free ordinance for the City of Manchester prohibits smoking in all public buildings and restaurants and in the seating areas of outdoor sports venues and amphitheaters and sets penalties for violation – a model for surrounding Kentucky towns. Studies of U.S. cities found drops in heart attacks up to 47% after adoption of a smoke-free policy.

The County Judge Executive requested information from Healthy Clay to help him explore the possibility of a smoke-free ordinance for all of Clay County.

Healthy Clay is now developing a community action plan to build on initial successes that include partnering with the Department of Transportation and the City to improve crosswalks and pedestrian safety to encourage increased walking.

Healthy Clay leveraged $10,000 for development of asset mapping and a strategic plan to advance additional policy and environmental changes to promote health.

ACHIEVE funding brought a sense of purpose for making Manchester a healthier city by engaging a wide range of key leaders in working together on common goals.

Program Areas:

Healthy Communities (general), Social Determinants of Health

State Contact Information:

Rhonda Bowling
Cumberland Valley District Health Department

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