Calls and Webinars Worth Your Time
EHR-Based Surveillance Learning Community
Tuesday, Feb. 18, 2020, 3-4:00 p.m. ET
Sponsors: Public Health Informatics Institute and NACDD
You asked and we listened! This month’s topic is the highly requested discussion of Using Case Definitions for EHR-based Surveillance. The call will include an introduction to electronic case definitions, using standards and indicators, and creating your definitions. Speakers are Hilary Wall, CDC, and Dr. Joseph Gibson, Marion County Public Health, Indiana.
Register here for the call series if you haven’t already. All calls are on the third Tuesday of every month from 3-4:00 p.m. ET.
Developing Public-Private Partnerships to Improve Employee and Population Health
Tuesday, Feb. 25, 2020, 2-3:00 p.m. ET
Sponsor: CDC and NACDD 6|18 Teams Speakers:
- Christa-Marie Singleton, Senior Medical Advisor – Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
- Chris Miles – Principal – Leavitt Partners
- Lauren Remspecher, Senior Director Member Engagement and Communications – St. Louis Area Business Health Coalition
- Glenn Studebaker, Diabetes and Heart Disease Program Coordinator – Missouri Department of Health and Human Services
Join us, as Christa-Marie Singleton from CDC, Chris Miles from Leavitt Partners, Lauren Remspecher from St. Louis Area Business Health Coalition, and Glenn Studebaker from Missouri Department of Health and Human Services share their perspectives on developing partnerships between State Health Departments and employers to advance the public’s health. Developing partnerships between public health and the private sector is critical to enhancing not just the well-being of employees, but the community and population as a whole. This webinar will help State Health Departments understand the value of partnering with businesses, how to find them, and how to effectively communicate with these groups. State Health Departments will also learn about CDC’s 6|18 initiative, an effort to improve health and control healthcare costs by targeting six common health conditions and behaviors. Attendees will gain strategies and resources they can use and customize when connecting and collaborating with employers.
Register for the webinar and go the 6|18 website to learn more about CDC’s 6|18 initiative.