Request For Proposal: National Disability Inclusion Network for Tobacco Control and Cancer Prevention Mass Media Campaign

This is the logo for The Disability Inclusion Network for Tobacco Control and Cancer Prevention at NACDD

Request for Proposals (RFP) Issued: August 1, 2024

Proposals due: August 30, 2024 no later than 11:59 p.m. Eastern Time (ET) 

Submit proposals via the online Submission Form. 

Funding amount: $40,000 

Anticipated period of performance: September 30, 2024 – September 29, 2025 

Direct all questions to:

Proposal frequently asked questions (FAQs) and answers will be responded to via this google document.

National Association of Chronic Disease Directors Overview:
National Association of Chronic Disease Directors (NACDD) improves public health by strengthening state-based leadership and expertise in chronic disease prevention and control at the state and national levels. Founded in 1988, NACDD aims to lead and influence how chronic disease prevention and health promotion shape the health landscape.

National Disability Inclusion Network for Tobacco Control and Cancer Prevention Overview:
The National Disability Inclusion Network for Tobacco Control and Cancer Prevention (Disability Inclusion Network) is supported by a five-year Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) cooperative agreement. The agreement brings together a consortium of nine national organizations to prevent commercial tobacco use and cancer in populations with tobacco- and cancer-related health disparities.

NACDD is partnering with the Lakeshore Foundation to advance the prevention of commercial tobacco use and cancer in people with disabilities (PWD), including U.S. Veterans. People with disabilities are more likely to smoke than adults without disabilities. They also experience barriers related to social determinants of health (SDOH). In 2021, 18.5% of PWD smoked cigarettes compared with 10.9% of adults without disabilities. Emerging research also demonstrates that PWD experience higher rates of certain cancers. The CDC has estimated that U.S. Veterans use tobacco products at much higher rates than non-Veterans. A 2018 Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report found that among Veterans, current use of any tobacco product was higher among those reporting psychological distress (48.2%), living in poverty (53.7%), and with no health insurance (60.1%).

In addition to the Disability Inclusion Network, NACDD will establish regional Communities of Practice (CoP) to support community-based policy, systems, and environmental change; provide comprehensive training and technical assistance (T/TA) to partners; and support a mass reach health communication strategy.

The goals of these strategies include:

  • Advancing tobacco control and cancer prevention and control initiatives to accelerate the decline in commercial tobacco use;
  • Reducing the incidence/mortality of tobacco-related cancers; and 
  • Addressing SDOH to advance health equity. 

Eligibility Criteria:
Because of the crucial role that lived experience and credibility play in reaching the intended audiences, NACDD will prioritize proposals from a digital advertising company/business that has previously engaged in efforts to reach audiences living with disabilities.

Scope of Work:
The selected vendor will provide expertise and support to NACDD in creating an inclusive public health, tobacco control, and cancer prevention campaign, i.e., “Tips Adjacent Campaign.” Campaign materials will model the CDC’s Tips From Former Smokers Campaign and include representation of PWD who have previously used tobacco. 

The vendor will assist NACDD in recruiting and interviewing PWD who have previously used tobacco, designing campaign messaging and materials, and developing guidance around dissemination and evaluation. Specifically, the vendor will work to: 

  • Expand and leverage the existing CDC Tips From Former Smokers media campaign to ensure it includes PWD and U.S. Veterans.
  • Support the participatory and consensus-building process including conducting virtual meetings (approximately three or four, 45–60-minute meetings) with community members within the population(s) of focus that have lived experience.
  • Support the development of two to three “Tips Adjacent Campaign” suites of materials (e.g., 1 flyer, 1 digital ad, 1 social media post, etc.).
  • Participate in routine meetings with NACDD and other project partners to support overall project implementation.
  • Develop guidance on best practices for dissemination of campaign materials (e.g., placement and promotion) and evaluation. 

Summary of Project Deliverables: 

  • Develop overall project workplan timeline with staff assignments.
  • Work with NACDD, Disability Inclusion Network, and CoP Members to identify, recruit, and interview PWD who have previously used tobacco to support the development of “Tips Adjacent Campaign” materials.
  • Provide all “Tips Adjacent Campaign” assets in original form (i.e., Adobe Illustrator, Canva, etc.).
  • Collaborate with NACDD, Disability Inclusion Network, and CoP Members on project implementation efforts, ensuring that everyone’s voice is heard and valued (including meeting participation, as needed).
  • Develop guidance on best practices for campaign materials’ dissemination (e.g., placement and promotion) and evaluation to be shared with Disability Inclusion Network and CoP Members. 

Instructions on Submitting Your Proposal:
A successful proposal will:

  • Be no more than 10 pages 
  • Be double-spaced 
  • Be in 12 pt Arial or Verdana font 
  • Have 1-inch margins 

The proposal must include the following components:

  • Agency Info: Description of your agency
  • Previous Experience: Description of previous experience relevant to the RFP’s scope – working with public health, PWD, tobacco, cancer, and/or chronic disease prevention or health promotion campaigns
  • Approach: Description of approach and strategies to implement and achieve project deliverables
  • Staffing Plan: Proposed staffing plan to support the project. The proposed staffing plan should include name(s), role(s) on the project, and qualifications/experience relevant to the project
  • Timeline: Proposed timeline that builds in time for review of “Tips Adjacent Campaign” materials by NACDD, Disability Inclusion Network, CoP members, and CDC
  • Attachments (attachments do not count towards the page total and must be labeled appropriately):
    • Bio(s) (maximum two pages each) of key team member(s) as proposed in the staffing plan
    • Detailed budget that includes a brief narrative for each anticipated cost category (can be submitted in Excel or Word)
    • One reference from a past client (to include the name of a past client, email and phone contact information, and a brief description of the project completed with the client) 

Only complete applications will be considered. 

Proposals are due by August 30, 2024 no later than 11:59 p.m. Eastern Time (ET) via the Submission Link. 

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