Walkability Action Institute

Walkability Action Institute participants measure the sidewalk width on the Walk/Move Audit in Provo, Utah
Walkability Action Institute participants measure the sidewalk width on the Walk/Move Audit in Provo, Utah.

NACDD believes that all states and communities should be designed to support activity-friendly routes to everyday destinations. Evidence shows that policies and activities that connect multiple modes of travel (e.g., pedestrian, bicycle, transit) to places where people live, learn, work, play, pray, and receive care increases physical activity. Locations that are more walkable and movable are important to fostering opportunities for safe physical activity across the lifespan/for people of all ages and improving overall health.

Making states and communities more walkable and movable involves partners in public health, transportation, planning, economic development, housing, transit, parks and recreation, elected leaders, and others. NACDD collaborates with, and receives support in part from, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s (CDC) Division of Nutrition, Physical Activity, and Obesity to plan, implement, and evaluate the Active People, Healthy NationSM Walkability Action Institute (WAI) as a multi-day course for interdisciplinary teams. These teams that include representatives from public health, transportation, planning, elected officials, and other disciplines, receive training from the nation’s top experts to develop team action plans. Action plans are focused on implementing policies and activities to make their communities, regions, and states more walkable and movable by reimagining spaces and recreating community and transportation design.

Three Course Models

NACDD now offers three course models. Each model includes a variety of innovative learning methods, ranging from traditional lecture, team discussions, discipline discussions, team action planning, and hands-on experiential learning through inclusive walk/move audits and scavenger hunts.

Walkability Action Institute

In-person course model that takes place over a three-night/four-day period.

Walkability Virtual Academy

Fully virtual course model that can be customized according to need and preference over week(s) or month(s) while adhering to fidelity of the in-person WAI model

Hybrid WAI/WVA

Hybrid course model consisting of two full in-person days, followed by a mini virtual academy

Featured News

NACDD's Resolve for a More Walkable and Movable 2024

NACDD’s Center for Advancing Healthy Communities (CAHC) celebrates a very successful year in its implementation of the Active People, Healthy NationTM Walkability Action Institute (WAI) project. Read More >>

NACDD to Add 19 New Teams to its National Walkability Network

NACDD, with funding support from the CDC Division of Nutrition, Physical Activity, and Obesity (DNPAO), will add at least 19 new interdisciplinary teams to its national Walkability Action Institute (WAI) Alumni Network in 2023 with the implementation of four related Active People, Healthy NationTM WAI events. 

How Walkability and Movability can Impact People, Place and Prosperity in Cobb County

NACDD consultant and WAI lead Karma Edwards wrote an article featured in a local Georgia magazine. “How Walkability and Movability Can Impact People, Place, and Prosperity in Cobb County” talks about the importance of access to walkable/moveable communities.

Interested in bringing WAI to your state?

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