Adopting a comprehensive approach to emotional well-being for school employees enhances the educational environment for both staff and students. By leveraging resources and policies effectively, schools can create a supportive climate that addresses the unique needs of all staff members. This approach can:
Developed by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)
This webpage provides data, strategies and resources to support school employee well-being.
Developed by the National Association of Chronic Disease Directors (NACDD)
This guide provides a suggested process and resources for building or expanding an effective employee wellness initiative. It is not intended to be prescriptive or provide a pre-packaged program. The information is based on the experience of other school districts and experts in the field as well as research findings.
A Toolkit for Supporting the Implementation of School Employee Wellness in Districts/ Schools
developed by the Society of Public Health Educators (SOPHE)
A supplemental book of fact sheets was developed to support the guide above.
Developed by Child Trends
This toolkit puts together easy-to-understand research and helpful tools. Schools can use it to make and carry out a plan that makes sure all the staff at the school are healthy and well.
Developed by Kaiser Permanente
This guide focuses on collaborating for employee well-being and includes two parts: Part one of this guide describes a labor management approach to building a school employee well-being program and part two lays out a step-by-step process to build the collaborative elements of the program.
Developed by Mental Health America (MHA)
This toolkit highlights how employers and people leaders can develop or improve workplace policies that uplift workers, ensure they are valued and heard, and improve an organizational well-being.
Developed by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)
The program provides training and resources to help employers create healthier work environments. Additionally, the introduction of the CDC’s Online Worksite Health ScoreCard version 3 is featured, which is a tool designed to assess employee health, plan interventions, and evaluate progress in key health areas.
Developed by the Institute of Education Sciences
This short, 4-page fact sheet describes the importance of prioritizing educator well-being and a framework and practical tips for doing so.
Universal employee supports focus on creating a nurturing environment where educators’ well-being is prioritized and underscores the importance of mental health in creating a thriving educational ecosystem. This includes ensuring access to mental health resources, training on stress management and resilience, and fostering a culture of connectedness and support. By addressing mental health proactively, schools can enhance teacher satisfaction, retention, and ultimately, student outcomes. Designed for all staff, these are proactive and preventative measures to promote a healthy work environment and personal well-being and could include:
It is important to ensure that educators and school staff fill their cup (by caring for themselves) in order to support students and care for others. Fostering a climate where educators and school staff are seen as trusted nurturing adult relationships helps to ensure students can access support when needed.
Developed by the National Center on Safe and Supportive Learning Environments
Information, research, and associated resources on the role of nurturing relationships in schools and how they serve as protective factors for youth.
Equipping educators with tools to manage work-related stress effectively can help to prevent burnout and contribute to positive well-being. From daily practices to physical spaces and policies for supporting mental health needs, strategies for supporting school staff well-being can be integrated at all levels.
Developed by the National Center on Safe and Supportive Learning Environments
This resource provides administrators with strategy-based actions to support the well-being of educators.
Developed by Hanover Research
This free, downloadable toolkit supports administrators in better understanding the state of teacher and staff mental health, monitoring employee well-being, strengthening employees’ sense of purpose, and exploring strategies for providing support for burnout prevention.
Developed by the Institute of Education Sciences
This resource outlines strategies and insights for enhancing teacher well-being within schools and emphasizes practical steps for fostering a supportive environment.
Similar to students, educators and school staff need access to a safe and supportive school climate where they feel valued and connected to those around them – both to feel their best and do their best work. In such environments, staff members are more likely to engage in meaningful connections, feel a sense of belonging, and access resources that support their mental and emotional well-being.
Developed by the Greater Good Science Center at UC Berkeley
Article exploring strategies for small, impactful actions that can deepen workplace connections.
Developed by WestEd
Creating a Culture of Care: A Guide for Education Leaders to Develop Systems and Structures That Support Educator Well-Being
Strategies, resources, and guidelines focused on creating a supportive and caring school environment. This comprehensive guide focuses on establishing a supportive and healthy working environment in schools and discusses the importance of integrating wellness to benefit the well-being of school employees.
Developed by the Society of Public Health Educators (SOPHE)
Comprehensive guide offering insights into the importance of employee wellness, strategies for developing wellness policies, resources for implementation, and a checklist to assess progress.
Similar to tiered student supports, tiered employe supports are aimed at staff who may be experiencing higher levels of stress or specific challenges – requiring more personalized group or individual strategies. These could include:
Visit the Effective Implementation section of the Resource Hub to access evidence-based clearinghouses to help you identify specific interventions that meet your needs.
Developed by Hanover Research
This document identifies opportunities to support employee well-being using a tiered approach and includes examples from the field.
Developed by the Center on Positive Behavioral Interventions & Supports
This document outlines recommendations for using a multi-tiered system of supports to strengthen staff wellness.