Worksite Policies

On average, Americans working full-time spend more than one-third of their day, five days per week at the workplace. Reserve Component members are included in this group. Below are resources dedicated to improving health at the worksite.

  • For employers who are new to implementing worksite wellness activities, theĀ Tips for Offering Healthier Options and Physical Activity at Workplace Meetings and Events is an easy way to begin. This brief document includes tips and resources for increasing healthy food and beverage options at worksiteĀ meetings, parties, conferences, and events and for offering physical activity opportunities for employees throughout the workday.An LGTBQ+ friendly workplace
  • Worksites can use the CDC Worksite Health ScoreCard to assess whether they have implemented evidence-based health promotion interventions or strategies in their worksite to improve the health and well-being of their employees.
  • For employers who are ready to go further with their worksite health efforts, CDCā€™sĀ Work@HealthĀ®Ā program is ideal. Work@HealthĀ®Ā is a free program for employers that provides education, training, and technical assistance provided by certified trainers. The aim of the program is to help improve the overall health of employees, reduce the risk of chronic disease and injury, and improve overall worker productivity.
  • Worksites often have cafeterias and can promote healthier eating by adopting food service guidelines. See Cafeterias and Public Facilities for more information about healthy food service guidelines.
  • Worksites can encourage physical activity at work by promoting walking and walkable communities, promoting Walk With Ease, or purchasing their own Walk With Ease registration portal.
  • Employers can consider structuring benefit programs to cover evidence-based interventions such as the National Diabetes Prevention Program, Workplace Chronic Disease Self-Management Program, or other proven resources to address high-burden health conditions and create a healthy work environment.1

What you can do:

  • Share these resources with local employers.
  • Attend a State Alliance of Healthcare Purchasers (formally Business Coalitions on Health) meeting and encourage them to reduce their healthcare expenditures by promoting health at the workplace with these tools. Employers are the primary members of these Alliances and many of them are invested in reducing healthcare costs by reducing obesity. Visit the National Alliance Site to learn if your state has any member coalitions. (Note: State Health Departments may already partner with this group. It is a good idea to check with them first before you make contact as it will save you time.)
  • Partner with other employers to be community change-makers and forces for health in their communities.
  • Partner with worksite wellness staff to help obtain buy-in from leaders to move forward with food service guidelines implementation. Worksite wellness staff can also support efforts in cafeterias by promoting healthier options and physical activity at workplace meetings and events.

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