Quality of Care for People with Diabetes

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Submission Date: December 2013

State/Territory Submitted on the Behalf of: Wisconsin

States/Territories Involved: Wisconsin

Domain Addressed:

Health Systems Strategies

Public Health Issue:

  • People with diabetes are at increased risk of complications such as blindness and heart disease.
  • Many complications can be prevented or delayed by optimizing blood sugar control and delivering recommended diabetes care.
  • Quality improvement collaboratives help providers in health systems learn better ways to deliver recommended services and monitor outcomes to benefit people with diabetes.

Program Action:

  • The Wisconsin Collaborative Diabetes Quality Improvement Project is a collaborative effort involving the Wisconsin Diabetes Prevention and Control Program, Division of Health Care Financing, Wisconsin Diabetes Advisory Group, University of Wisconsin Population Health Institute (UW-PHI), and many Wisconsin HMOs and health systems to evaluate implementation of the Wisconsin Diabetes Mellitus Essential Care Guidelines; improve diabetes care through collaborative quality improvement initiatives; and share resources, strategies, and best practices.
  • Progress is tracked using diabetes measures in the Health Plan Employer Data and Information Set (HEDIS) developed by the National Committee for Quality Assurance.
  • UW-PHI provides confidential data analysis and reporting and HMOs and health systems meet quarterly to share strategies on improving diabetes care collectively through statewide initiatives and within their own settings.


  • Performance by HMOs and health systems on comprehensive diabetes care measures has improved since the project began:
    • LDL cholesterol screening improved by 16%
    • Nephropathy monitoring improved by 41%
    • Eye exams increased by 10%
  • Health outcomes also improved:
    • LDL cholesterol control improved by 8% (control is defined as < 130mg/dL)
    • Poorly controlled HbA1c decreased by 9% (HbA1c is an indicator of blood sugar control; a level >9.0% is an indicator of poor blood sugar control)
  • The project served as a model of dissemination and research for UW-PHI as in the following examples :
    • Remington P, Chudy N.  The Wisconsin Diabetes Control Program:  A Health Systems and Community-based Approach.  WPHA Communique 1995;32(1):1-2.
    • Remington PL, Chudy N, Conway T, Wood S.  The Wisconsin Diabetes Control Program:  A Health Systems and Community-based Approach.  Wis Med J. 1995;94(4):209-12.
    • Siomos EE. Newsom RS. Camponeschi J. Remington PL. A Statewide Collaboration to Monitor Diabetes Quality Improvement among Wisconsin Health Plans. Am J Manag Care. 2005;11(5):332-6.

Program Areas:


State Contact Information:

Mark Wegner, MD, MPH
Wisconsin Department of Health Services, Division of Public Health

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