Network Takes Steps to Reduce the Burden of Diabetes

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Submission Date: December 2009

State/Territory Submitted on the Behalf of: Kentucky

States/Territories Involved: Kentucky

Domain Addressed:

Community-Clinical Linkages

Public Health Issue:

  • Diabetes is a growing and serious problem in Kentucky but much of the sickness and death associated with it could be prevented by applying evidence-based treatment and disease- management guidelines, such as monitoring and normalization of blood sugar levels, routine doctor visits, self-management training, and routine eye and foot exams.
  • Coalitions focused on a single topic, such as diabetes, can unite diverse groups behind a common goal, foster cooperation and combine each group’s resources to promote needed change, achieving results surpassing those of each organization working individually.
  • Groups providing services to people with diabetes can benefit from joint efforts to promote prevention and may provide greater credibility on this important issue.

Program Action:

  • The Kentucky Diabetes Prevention and Control Program identified the need for a statewide partnership to prevent diabetes and improve treatment and outcomes for Kentuckians who have the condition and facilitated a steering committee of key public and private entities to create the Kentucky Diabetes Network.
  • The Kentucky Diabetes Network established by-laws, a strategic plan, workgroups and advisory committees, and secured federal 501c-3 non-profit status. The Kentucky Diabetes Prevention and Control Program staff serves as liaison to the Board of Directors and as administrative coordinator for the network as well as assisting with strategic goal-setting and advising work groups.
  • Funding for the Kentucky Diabetes Network comes primarily from pharmaceutical partners and donations.


Examples of the many accomplishments related to Kentucky Diabetes Network activities are:

  • Appropriation of $2.4 million in state funds for the state Diabetes Prevention and Control Program resulting from educating policymakers about the diabetes burden in the state.
  • Creation and funding of $200,000 annually for a Diabetes Research Board by state legislators
  • Development and dissemination of large numbers of a variety of educational materials to health care providers, patients and the public, some in English and in Spanish.
  • Development of a professional lending library, the Kentucky Diabetes Connection newsletter, three diabetes conferences with the Kentucky School Nurses Association, publicity materials or National Diabetes Month and Diabetes Alert Day, billboards across the state, and a  Kentucky Diabetes Network Web site.
  • Advancing cultural competence and sensitivity at network meetings and through a training scholarship opportunity for an individual serving a minority population.

Program Areas:


State Contact Information:

Linda Leber
Kentucky Cabinet for Health and Family Services

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