Michigan Diabetes Self-Management Certification Program

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Submission Date: December 2013

State/Territory Submitted on the Behalf of: Michigan

States/Territories Involved: Michigan

Domain Addressed:

Community-Clinical Linkages

Public Health Issue:

  • Diabetes self-management education (DSME) or training (DSMT) is an essential part of medical care for people with diabetes.
  • Many studies show that DSME improves diabetes knowledge and self-care behavior, improves clinical outcomes such as lowering A1C and improving quality of life, and lowers costs.
  • DSME/DSMT that meets national standards is reimbursed as part of the Medicare program and also covered by most health insurance plans.

Program Action:

  • Michigan was a pioneer in developing and instituting diabetes standards for Medicaid reimbursement of DSME.
  • The Michigan Department of Community Health facilitates development of DSME programs by providing technical assistance, providing a database for tracking participants and their follow-up and certifying hospital-based DSME programs.
  • The Michigan certification process includes a mandatory, initial site visit and random site visits to 10% of DSME/DSMT programs each year to ensure they are meeting National Standards for Diabetes Self-Management Education and Support review criteria as outlined by the Michigan Department of Community Health.
  • Hospital-based sites complete an annual report describing how their programs meet each national standard and seven American Association of Diabetes Educators behavior change measures and select a program outcome to track and report on, such as A1C levels, foot exams, or participant satisfaction.


  • DSME/DSMTā€™s health benefits are proven and are assured by Michiganā€™s ongoing review of program quality and fidelity to program standards. The patient and referral numbers related to these Ā benefit s include:
  • More than 44,000 referrals to DSME/DSMT in Michigan
  • More than 32,000 DSME/DSMT program enrollees
  • Nearly 24,000 DSME/DSMT program completions
  • The Michigan Department of Community Health staff has certified 90 hospital-based DSME/DSMT programs.

Program Areas:


State Contact Information:

Dawn Crane, MS, RN, ACNS-BC, CDE
Michigan Department of Community Health

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