Helping Residents of Duval County Breathe Eaiser

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Submission Date: December 2008

State/Territory Submitted on the Behalf of: Florida

States/Territories Involved: Florida

Public Health Issue:

  • Hospital emergency room visits due to asthma are significantly higher for every age group in Duval County than in other Florida regions, resulting in elevated costs to the county
  • Blacks, young people and women bear a greater share of the physical and emotional burden of asthma than other county population groups.

Program Action:

  • The Healthy Jacksonville 2010 Program formed the Healthy Jacksonville Asthma Coalition, a group of individuals from local organizations including Wolfson Childrenā€™s Hospital, Baptist Health, Shands Hospital, the Duval County Health Department Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion Division, and the Duval County Medical Society. Their mission is to reduce the incidence and economic burden of asthma in Duval County through better education and management.
  • Based on a survey of asthma care providers and asthma sufferers the coalition identified a need for a comprehensive list of county asthma resources. With funding from a Department of Health Community Environmental Health Advisory Board Grant and the Preventive Health and Health Services Block Grant the coalition developed an asthma resource directory and marketing plan and educated community members about available resources.
  • Members of the coalition contributed information about their own organizationā€™s services and helped research other available resources. The marketing department of the county health department compiled the information into a colorful booklet for mass distribution which was provided to local hospitals, schools, clinics, and after-school programs at no charge. Local newspapers advertised community trainings and the resource guide.


  • Demand for the resource guide continues to increase after distribution of the first printing of 10,000 copies. The guide includes listings of clinical services, education, professional training, support groups, community organizations and other state/national resources such as websites and hotlines.
  • Many health department clinics and community education programs have reported an increase in demand for their services in response to their listing in the resource guide.

Program Areas:

Health Equity and Cultural Competency, Other

State Contact Information:

Lowrie Ward
Duval County Health Department

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