Addressing Concerns About Elevated Levels of Uranium in Drinking Water

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Submission Date: April 2015

State/Territory Submitted on the Behalf of: Colorado

States/Territories Involved: Colorado

Funding Source: CDC

CDC Funding:


CDC Funding (Specified):

Other CDC Funding

Domain Addressed:

Epidemiology and Surveillance

Public Health Issue:

Uranium Levels Too High in the Water Supply

  • Routine water quality monitoring revealed that uranium levels in the drinking water at a state correctional facility in Sterling, Colorado had increased slightly and exceeded the limit set by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency.
  • The Colorado Department of Corrections was concerned about possible health risks and needed help finding the right information to share with those who drank water with increased levels of uranium. They also wanted to determine the best ways to protect the health of the inmates and staff at the Sterling area prison.

Program Action:

Tracking Data Clarify Health Risk

  • The Colorado Tracking Program worked with the stateā€™s Water Quality Division (WQD) to determine the natural range of uranium in Colorado water supplies. These data showed that elevated levels of uranium were common in Colorado water. Their research supported other evidence that the small increase in uranium levels would pose a low risk to the health of those who drank the water.
  • In addition to data analysis, the tracking program helped develop messages to educate prison staff and inmates about the low level of risk for health effects from exposure to uranium in the drinking water.


Prison Educates Inmates and Reduces Exposures

  • The warden of the Sterling area prison used information provided by the tracking program to explain the situation to inmates and respond to their questions and concerns about uranium exposure.
  • As an extra measure to protect the health of staff, inmates, visitors, and volunteers, the Department of Corrections, in consultation with the WQD and state tracking program, decided to bring in drinking water to reduce uranium exposures until the water supply could be fixed.
  • Now, a new, state-of-the-art water treatment facility supplies water with reduced levels of uranium to the prison.

Primary web link for more information:
Program Areas:

Environmental Public Health

State Contact Information:

Colorado Tracking Program

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