Off the Cuff – January 15, 2018








Off the Cuff: Domain 3/Health Systems Updates
Information from state and national partners
Facilitated by the Cardiovascular Health Network of NACDD
Issue 93
January 15, 2018





From the CVH Leadership Team

From Tara Trujillo, Chair, CVH Network Leadership Team

You set the record for number of votes for members of the CVH Network Leadership Team. There were 91 ballots representing 35 states cast! Thank you.
Please join me in extending a warm welcome and congratulations to the Leadership Team’s new At-Large members, Cheryl Farmer from Washington, Desiree Jonas from Florida, Rachael Austin from New York, and Kristina Dawkins from Michigan. Crystelle Fogle from Montana is returning in a new role as Government Affairs Liaison. Hannah Herold from Wyoming is joining as Chair-Elect.
The CVH Network Leadership Team represents YOU to NACDD, CDC, and other partners. We do this by setting priorities and recommending the best methods for these partners to provide support to health departments regarding health systems and hypertension control strategies. For more information about the Leadership Team, please visit our webpage.
I’m excited to work with you in the coming year as we begin new cardiovascular disease prevention and management work and grow our network. Please contact me at if you have any questions or would like to share your thoughts with us!






Calls and Webinars Worth Your Time

Principles for Designing Infographics
Thursday, January 25, 2018, 2 ‒3:00 p.m., EST
Sponsor: Training and Technical Assistance Support Center for CDC’s NCCDPHP

This call is for program staff involved with communications activities across the 1305 and 1422 grants. This community forum is for sharing experiences, successes, challenges, and lessons learned for designing infographics. Learn about when to use infographics, which websites can assist you in creating infographics, best practices for infographics, and see a step by step demonstration of creating infographics.

Click here to join the call. You will be able to hear the audio when you join Adobe Connect. After you join the Adobe Connect platform, you will be prompted to select an audio option. You can either:

  • Have the system call you (preferred method): When you first enter the meeting room during the scheduled time, enter your phone number and let the Adobe system call you. You will then be prompted to press a number to join the meeting.
  • Dial in to the audio conference manually: When you first enter the meeting room during the scheduled meeting time, you will see a menu box with an option to dial in to the audio conference via phone. Select that option and dial in using the number and code provided. You must enter an additional code after connecting with the passcode so that the system ties your computer to your audio line. You must scroll down to see your unique code. Your unique code will appear after the following statement: “Once joined to the audio, identify yourself:”





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