Expanding Partnerships to Reach Health Objectives for Diabetes

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Submission Date: December 2010

State/Territory Submitted on the Behalf of: Indiana

States/Territories Involved: Indiana

Public Health Issue:

  • With obesity rates for Indiana women increasing it is likely that, without intervention, the diabetes rate for women in Indiana will continue to rise.
  • Women with diabetes must navigate a complex system of health care services in order to obtain needed screenings, education, and support to manage their disease effectively.
  • Encountering barriers and having limited assistance to overcome these barriers makes it harder for women to follow diabetes management recommendations.
  • Unique strategies that focus on the needs and concerns of women with diabetes can improve outcomes and reduce complications of diabetes such as blindness, amputations and heart disease.

Program Action:

  • The Indiana Diabetes Prevention and Control Program is partnering with the Indiana Office of Women’s Health to implement the Indiana Women’s Diabetes Initiative, funded by an Advancing System Improvements to Support Targets for Healthy People 2010 grant and guided by a Women’s Health Committee of the Indiana Diabetes Advisory Council.
  • The Initiative goal is improving performance on ten selected health objectives related to women’s health in the area of diabetes, overweight, nutrition and physical activity.
  • A pilot patient navigation system developed by the Initiative helps women with diabetes successfully manage their disease and overcome barriers to accessing health care services and community resources.
  • The Indiana University Department of Family Medicine Bowen Research Center is also a partner along with three community partners who are implementing the pilot, Elkhart County Health Department, Partners for a Healthier Community in Howard County, and Hoosier Uplands in Lawrence County.


  • The Indiana Women’s Diabetes Initiative is reducing the barriers to services and resources, such as access to care and medications, to promote better diabetes management for women.
  • The patient navigation system is providing access to diabetes education classes, diabetes meters and strips, and a support system.
  • Several in-kind services that address the Indiana Consensus Guidelines for Diabetes Care are now available in each county.
  • A sustainability plan ensures continued assistance for women, even when grant funding ends.
  • This Initiative is increasing the number and strength of partnerships with the state health department, garnering attention for the serious issue of diabetes care for women and increasing the likelihood of future expansion of the pilot services to meet health objectives.

Program Areas:


State Contact Information:

Laura Heinrich
Indiana State Department of Health

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